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Report Containing Names, Histories of 43 Diocese of Fresno Perpetrators Accused of Child Sexual Abuse to be Released Today

Law Firm to Release Names of 43 Perpetrators Accused of Sexual Misconduct in the Diocese of Fresno

Sexual Abuse Survivor to Speak Publicly Today

(Fresno, CA) – Today in Fresno, a sexual abuse survivor and the law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates will:

  • Release a report containing the identities, histories, photographs and information on 43 clerics accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Fresno;
  • Discuss the recently announced Diocese of Fresno compensation program for clergy sexual abuse survivors;
  • Sexual abuse survivor Tom Emens will speak publicly about his abuse as a minor by a priest in Anaheim, California, and his efforts to make California Dioceses accountable and transparent;
  • Demand full disclosure by the Diocese of Fresno and the religious orders regarding all clergy accused of sexual abuse who worked in t:he Diocese, including their current whereabouts, photographs and histories.

Today: Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 11:00 AM (PT)

Radisson Hotel, Fresno Conference Center
Bass Lake Room
1055 Van Ness Avenue
Fresno, CA 93721

The press conference will be live-streamed via YouTube and on Facebook
