Media Advisory: Survivor of sexual abuse by Chicago-area priest to speak at news conference today

Lawsuit Filed Against Chicago Catholic Religious Order

Survivor to speak about misrepresentations by the Archdiocese of Chicago and Claretian Missionaries to supervise sexually abusive priest

Photo of Client
Wellums, Bruce
Press Packets Info

What:  At a news conference today, attorney Marc Pearlman and a survivor who was sexually abused by a Chicago-area Catholic priest will:

  • Announce a civil lawsuit against a Chicago Catholic religious order, the Claretian Missionaries.
  • Discuss the Claretians’ decision to allow an admitted sexual abuser to have unrestricted access to children for 20 years after promising to supervise him at all times around children.
  • Request that the Claretians publicly disclose what they know about an admitted child molester, Father Bruce Wellems and other sexually abusive priests.

When:               Today – Monday, September 26 at 1:30 pm

Where:              Law Offices of Kerns, Frost & Pearlman and Jeff Anderson &                Associates
30 W Monroe, Suite 1600
Chicago, Illinois 60603

Notes:              All documents will be available online Monday prior to the press event at and

Contact:          Marc Pearlman: Office: 312.261.4550;  Mobile: 773.368.0142
