
Apr 10, 2015: News Release: Two Priests Added to Diocese of Winona List

Today the Diocese of Winona publicly released and added the names of two more priests to their list of accused clerics, Father Harold Mountain and Father Thomas Duane. Both names have never been released to the public before. There are now 17 clerics accused of sexual abuse who worked in the Winona Diocese.  This disclosure is a result of the October 2014 settlement agreement in the civil lawsuits…

Apr 10, 2015: News Release: Two Priest Added to Diocese of Winona List

Winona Diocese Publicly Releases Names of Two Priests Accused of Sexually Abusing Minors

Father Harold Mountain and Father Thomas Duane
added to the list of accused priests

(Winona, MN) – Today the Diocese of Winona publicly released and added the names of two more priests to their list of accused clerics, Father Harold Mountain and Father Thomas Duane. Both names have never been released to the public before. There are now 17 clerics accused of sexual abuse who worked in the Winona Diocese.

This disclosure is a result of the October 2014 settlement agreement in the civil lawsuit…

Apr 01, 2015: News Release: Public Nuisance Claim to Proceed Against Diocese of New Ulm

Court Rules That Survivors’ Public Nuisance Claims AgainstDiocese of New Ulm May ProceedOrder Will Help Protect Children, Expose Diocese’s Protection of Abusive Priests, and Scrutinize Archbishop Nienstedt’s Decisions Regarding Priest Information(New Ulm) – Brown County District Court Judge Robert A. Docherty has ruled that three clergy sexual abuse survivors’ public nuisance claims against the Diocese of New Ulm can proceed. Judge Docherty’s March 27, 2015, order will help hold the Diocese of New Ulm accountable for protecting pedophile priests in the past and will help keep children safe in …

Mar 11, 2015: News Release: Curtis Wehmeyer Defrocked by Vatican

(St. Paul, MN) – Today’s announcement of Curtis Wehmeyer’s removal from the clerical state by the Vatican is met with a mixed view from sexual abuse survivors and their advocates. While it is comforting to know a child molester is behind bars and will never be placed in a position of trust as a cleric again, questions still remain.

Mar 09, 2015: Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Rules in Favor of Survivors in Archdiocese of Milwaukee Bankruptcy Case

Today, we received the long-awaited decision from the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals regarding the cemetery trust litigation in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee bankruptcy case.  The Seventh Circuit ruled in favor of the survivors and held that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) and First Amendment do not preclude survivors from challenging the Archdiocese’s designation of approximately $55 million to the care of its…

Feb 20, 2015: Correction Regarding Fr. Marvin Klaers

NOTICE OF CORRECTION(St. Paul, MN) – Correction by Jeff Anderson & Associates, P.A. concerning Father Marvin Klaers.Information was reported in the Cannon Falls Beacon which is inaccurate regarding the number of people we know about who have accused Father Klaers. Our office represents one survivor who has provided a notice of claim to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis concerning an allegation of sexual abuse as a minor. We represent no other survivors of abuse by Fr. Klaers. We also have not received telephone calls regarding sexual abuse of minors by Fr. Klaers.  Co…

Feb 11, 2015: 17 Names of Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct with Minors Publicly Released For the First Time Today

(St. Paul, MN) – The names of 17 clergy who have been accused of sexual abuse or misconduct with a minor in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis were released for the first time today. All clergy whose names were released have been identified in notice of claims submitted to the Archdiocese and its insurance carriers. A complete list of all clergy named in the notice of claims is available..

Feb 11, 2015: 17 Names of Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct with Minors Publicly Released For the First Time Today

News ReleaseFebruary 11, 201517 Names of Clergy Accused of Sexual Abuse or Misconduct with Minors Publicly Released For the First Time TodayThe names have been submitted in notice of claims to the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis (St. Paul, MN) – The names of 17 clergy who have been accused of sexual abuse or misconduct with a minor in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis were released for the first time today. All clergy whose names were released have been identified in notice of claims submitted to the Archdiocese and its insurance carriers. A complete list of all cler…