
Jan 15, 2018: Fr. Antonio Marfori Added to Diocese of St. Cloud’s Clergy Abuse List, Attorneys Challenge Bishop to Release More Information

(St. Paul, MN) – On Friday afternoon, St. Cloud Diocese Bishop Donald Kettler added Fr. Antonio “Tony” Marfori to the diocese’s list of clergy likely to have abused minors, making Marfori the 40th name on the list. “Putting Fr. Marfori on the list is the right thing to do but much more information is needed in order to protect children in St. Cloud,” said Jeff Anderson, attorney for three Marfori sexual abuse survivors.

Nov 10, 2017: Media Alert: Clergy Abuse Law Firm Demands New York Bishops Disclose Names of Offenders

Clergy Abuse Law Firm Demands Immediate Disclosure of the Names of Offenders Held Secret by New York Catholic BishopsLaw firm challenges New York bishops to demonstrate that they are not the most dangerous state for children (New York, NY) – The covert disclosure yesterday of the names of 8 priests who were removed by the Brooklyn Diocese for the sexual abuse of children underscores the clear and present danger in New York. Every diocese has held the names of child sex offenders in complete secrecy since 2002. These names have only recently begun to leak out under pressure. Until these names a…

Nov 09, 2017: News Release: $8.95 Million Settlement Reached With Diocese of Duluth Insurer in Bankruptcy Case

Settlement Reached With One of Diocese of Duluth’s InsurersIn Bankruptcy CaseCatholic Mutual Will Pay Abuse Claimants $8.95 MillionDeal Contingent On Court Approval, Consensual ReorganizationPlan Confirmation(St. Paul, MN) – A settlement has been reached with one of the Diocese of Duluth’s multiple insurers in the Diocese’s bankruptcy case stemming from clergy sexual abuse. The insurer, Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America (Catholic Mutual), will contribute $8,950,000.00 to the Diocese of Duluth bankruptcy case. If approved, the money will be used to pay a portion of the sexual abuse clai…

Oct 30, 2017: Media Alert: November 1 Deadline for Sexual Abuse Survivors in the Archdiocese of New York

NOVEMBER 1 DEADLINE 48 HOURS TO TAKE ACTION IF YOU WERE SEXUALLY ABUSED IN THE ARCHDIOCESE OF NEW YORK(New York, NY) – On Wednesday November 1, 2017, time will expire for survivors of child sexual abuse who were abused in the Archdiocese of New York. Truth and justice should not have a statute of limitations, however this may be the last chance sexual abuse survivors in the Archdiocese of New York have to obtain some measure of justice for the abuse they suffered as children. “It is an urgent necessity for survivors to immediately evaluate their rights before the impending deadline,” said Atto…

Oct 16, 2017: News Release: Diocese of Rockville Centre Announces Sexual Abuse Compensation Program

Diocese of Rockville CentreAnnounces Compensation Program for Sexual Abuse Survivors (Rockville Centre, NY) – Today, the Diocese of Rockville Centre announced a compensation program for survivors of child sexual abuse. Phase I of the Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP) is open to survivors of clergy sexual abuse who previously reported abuse by a diocesan priest or deacon, to the Diocese of Rockville Centre. The deadline for Phase I submissions is December 31, 2017. According to the diocese, Phase II will commence at a later date, which is anticipated to be in January 20…

Sep 28, 2017: News Release: Coercion Claim Against Crookston Bishop Hoeppner Settled—Letter Released as Part of Settlement

Coercion Claim Against Crookston Bishop Hoeppner SettledLetter Hoeppner Coerced Vasek to Sign in 2015 Released as Part of the Settlement(St. Paul, MN) – Ron Vasek settled his coercion claim against Crookston Bishop Michael Hoeppner this week.  As part of the settlement, Vasek received a copy of the letter the Bishop coerced him into signing in 2015 retracting his statement that he had been abused by Msgr. Roger Grundhaus when he was 16 years old.  Vasek’s attorney, Jeff Anderson, said for Ron this case was about exposing the truth.  “Ron suffered in silence and shame….