Louisiana Supreme Court Reverses Decision, Ruling Child Victims Act Constitutional

“The scales of justice are finally aligned. The upholding of the Louisiana Child Victims Act allows survivors to continue on their path towards healing and justice.” – Jeff Anderson

Today, the Louisiana Supreme Court ruled that the Louisiana Child Victims Act is constitutional, reversing its previous ruling. This decision means survivors have an opportunity to seek justice and accountability against perpetrators and those institutions that protected perpetrators.

The law gives survivors of child sexual abuse in Louisiana a chance to take legal action, regardless of how long ago the abuse occurred. Abuse survivors now have until 2027 to take legal action to file civil suits against those who hurt them.

“Finally, the law in Louisiana is clear – this is a positive ruling that empowers survivors to move forward,” said attorney Molly Burke. “Now we can focus on what is important – helping as many survivors as we can obtain justice and warn the public about potentially dangerous predators.”