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Oct 27, 2007: Lawyer to Abbey: Follow Settlement

Lawyer to Abbey: Follow settlement
By David Unze,
ST. PAUL – The lawyer who represented numerous alleged victims of clergy sex abuse in what was hailed as a landmark settlement agreement with St. John’s Abbey on Friday accused Abbot John Klassen of failing to live up to terms of that agreement.
St. Paul attorney Jeff Anderson bases his accusation on questions about the past of a priest recently appointed to the External Review Board, which was created as a result of the settlement.
The Abbey issued a brief statement Friday afternoon that said it would no

Oct 03, 2007: Unforgiven

The diocese of New Ulm knew Father David Roney was a pedophile when it sent him to live among orphan schoolchildren in Guatemala

Aug 23, 2007: Press Release: Brandon Rains

More Details
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