News & Events

Feb 26, 2013: Sexual Child Abuse: ‘Our America With Lisa Ling’ Investigates (VIDEO)

After locking up the worst pedophile in its history, the state of Delaware decided to do something big about the silent epidemic plaguing their homes, schools and communities: Train five percent of its population on how to prevent sexual child abuse. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in six boys and one in four girls are sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. This clip from “Our America with Lisa Ling” shows how the YMCA of Delaware is taking the statewide initiative one step further by training its entire staff. “It’s not a matter of if there are children in our l…

Feb 24, 2013: Stephen Baker, Friar, May Have Sexually Abused Dozens In Ohio, Pennsylvania Catholic Schools

TOLEDO, Ohio — About 50 more people have come forward to say they were sexually abused at Catholic schools in Pennsylvania and Ohio by a Franciscan brother who killed himself in January, said an attorney who settled 11 alleged abuse cases against the friar. Brother Stephen Baker, 62, stabbed himself in the heart at a western Pennsylvania monastery on Jan. 26, a little over a week after the disclosure of financial settlements in alleged abuse cases in Warren, Ohio. A coroner told the Altoona Mirror that Baker left a short note apologizing for his actions. The new accusers have alleged in rec…

Feb 20, 2013: Conclave brings out cardinals’ dirty laundry

VATICAN CITY (AP) Popular pressure is mounting in the U.S. and Italy to keep California Cardinal Roger Mahony away from the conclave to elect the next pope because of his role shielding sexually abusive priests, a movement targeting one of the most prominent of a handful of compromised cardinals scheduled to vote next month. Amid the outcry, Mahony has made clear he is coming, and no one can force him to recuse himself. A Vatican historian also said Wednesday that there is no precedent for a cardinal staying home because of personal scandal. But the growing grass-roots campaign is an indicati…

Feb 20, 2013: New York Cardinal to Be Deposed in Milwaukee Archdiocese Scandal

Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, the Roman Catholic archbishop of New York, will be deposed on Wednesday afternoon by lawyers representing hundreds of people who say they were sexually abused by priests in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, where Cardinal Dolan served before his appointment to New York in 2009.  Cardinal Dolan is one of two American cardinals who are being deposed in sexual abuse lawsuits this week, and who plan to travel to Rome next week in advance of the proceedings to elect the successor to Pope Benedict XVI, who stunned the world last week with the announcement that he was resi…

Feb 19, 2013: Mount Calvary priest removed amid abuse allegations

MOUNT CALVARY — Fr. Dennis Druggan, president and rector of St. Lawrence Seminary High School in Mount Calvary, has been removed from public ministry due to an investigation into allegations of sexual misconduct. The allegations involve a minor in Montana more than 25 years ago, according to a statement from the Capuchin Province of St. Joseph and reported by the Fond du Lac Reporter. Druggan, OFM Capuchin, had been on administrative leave since he was informed of the initial complaint in July. A second complainant came forward after the initial complaint, according to the statement. There h…

Feb 19, 2013: Reuters: Catholics urge cardinal tied to sex abuse to skip papal vote

(Reuters) – A U.S. Catholic group has launched an online petition to keep a cardinal linked to a sex abuse scandal from attending the Vatican conclave that will select a new pope. Catholics United, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, says that former Los Angeles Archbishop Roger Mahony should refrain from attending the papal conclave and recuse himself from voting. The petition launched last week had more than 5,000 signatures as of Tuesday representing a tiny fraction of the roughly one in four Americans who are Catholics. “Please do not bring further scandal to our Church that has alr…

Feb 14, 2013: Child Victims Act Would Eliminate Time Limit to Sue Child Abusers

 ST. PAUL, Minn. — Childhood victims of sexual abuse would no longer face a time limit to sue their abusers under a proposed bill announced at the Capitol Wednesday. The Minnesota Child Victims Act would eliminate the requirement that victims file civil suits within six years of becoming an adult. It would not affect the statute of limitations in criminal cases. Proponents of the Minnesota Child Victims Act say that it can take decades for people who were sexually abused as children to overcome the shame and secrecy surrounding those events to come forward. By then, it’s too late. Civi…

Feb 14, 2013: Los Angeles Archdiocese Adds Priests’ Names to Abuse List

The Archdiocese of Los Angeles has quietly added two dozen priests and brothers to its list of clergy accused of child molestation. Though the church deems the allegations against the men credible, the archdiocese has declined to release information about the complaints, including the number of accusers, the dates of the alleged abuse and the parishes where the men worked. The names were disclosed in a two-page report posted on the archdiocese’s website last month alongside 12,000 pages of internal records related to its handling of abuse claims. The document was discovered recently by Bish…

Feb 12, 2013: Clergy Sex Abuse Victim Hopes to See Change After Pope’s Resignation

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Pope Benedict’s reign started at the height of sex scandals in the Catholic church. Eight years later, as he steps down, the issue still plagues him as much as it does the victims. “He didn’t finish his job,” Bob Schwiderski said Monday after he learned about the resignation. Schwiderski was an altar boy for St. John’s Catholic Church in Hector more than five decades ago. It was there he said he was sexually abused repeatedly by a priest. “I was 7-years-old the first time,” he said. The abuse continued until he was 11. He didn’t tell anyone until he was in his 30s and onl…

Feb 11, 2013: Too Tired to go on, Pope Benedict Resigns

Rome (CNN) — The spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Benedict XVI, surprised the world Monday by saying he will resign at the end of the month “because of advanced age.” It’s the first time a pope has stepped down in nearly 600 years. “Strength of mind and body are necessary, strength which in the last few months has deteriorated in me to the extent that I have had to recognize my incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry entrusted to me,” said Benedict, 85, according to the Vatican. Read more: Who is Pope Benedict XVI? The news startled and shocked the Catholic world and …

Feb 09, 2013: Cardinal Mahony Used Cemetery Money to Pay Sex Abuse Settlement

Pressed to come up with hundreds of millions of dollars to settle clergy sex abuse lawsuits, Cardinal Roger M. Mahony turned to one group of Catholics whose faith could not be shaken: the dead. Under his leadership in 2007, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles quietly appropriated $115 million from a cemetery maintenance fund and used it to help pay a landmark settlement with molestation victims. The church did not inform relatives of the deceased that it had taken the money, which amounted to 88% of the fund. Families of those buried in church-owned cemeteries and interred in its mausoleums have …

Feb 07, 2013: New Documents Show Catholic Leaders in Los Angeles Protected Abusive Priests

Twelve thousand pages of records are being released by the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, documenting decades of child molestation and cover-ups. The documents revealed retired Cardinal Roger Mahony and his top aide’s efforts to conceal the molestations from authorities and shield priests accused of abuse. Cardinal Jose Gomez, in a rare public rebuke of a top church official, stripped his predecessor Mahony of all public and administrative duties. In 2007 the Los Angeles archdiocese reached a $660 million settlement in a civil suit brought by more than 500 victims of sexual abu…