News & Events

Oct 12, 2013: Brown vetoes bill giving sex abuse victims more time to file lawsuits

SACRAMENTO — Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a bill that would have given some childhood sex abuse victims more time to file lawsuits, after a heated opposition campaign led by the Catholic Church that stretched from Capitol hallways to Los Angeles church pews. In an unusually detailed three-page veto message released Saturday, the Democratic governor, a former Jesuit seminarian, said the bill raised questions of equal treatment of public and private employers. Pointing to a centuries-long tradition of limiting the period when legal claims can be filed, Brown said institutions should feel secure that…

Oct 10, 2013: Demands grow to see secret lists of Minnesota priests accused of abuse

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, under fire for its handling of two cases involving sexual misconduct by priests, is also fighting a battle on a second front, facing heightened demands that it release a list held in secret since 2004 of alleged sex offenders among its clergy. A court hearing on that issue in Ramsey County was where allegations of a child pornography coverup first surfaced last week. A total of six court hearings seeking the release of secret lists, ­involving every diocese in ­Minnesota, are slated for this fall, with additional actions targeting about a …

Oct 09, 2013: Lawsuit against Diocese of Crookston back in court Wednesday

Crookston   —       In a hearing Wednesday afternoon in Polk County District Court in Crookston, a sexual abuse victim, along with her attorneys, requested the public release of a list they say is possessed and maintained by the Diocese of Crookston and contains the names of several priests accused of sexual abuse.     Judge Tamara Yon heard arguments from the victim’s attorney, Jeff Anderson, along with defense counsel for the Diocese of Crookston. The lawsuit was filed June 20 in Polk County and also names the Diocese of Fall River, Mass…

Oct 09, 2013: Priest sexual misconduct task force to be named today

A University of St. Thomas law professor will announce at 3:45 p.m. Wednesday the names of members appointed to a new task force on clergy sexual misconduct. Archbishop John Nienstedt named the Rev. Reginald Whitt to select the members of the Safe Environment and Ministerial Standards Task Force. Whitt will meet with reporters at the Leamington company offices in Minneapolis, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis said in a statement Wednesday morning. Task force member Brian Short, CEO of Leamington, will speak about the scope and mission of the task force, the archd…

Oct 09, 2013: For an abusive priest, retirement income came with a premium

They called him the Polka Padre. Later, they called him the Polka Predator. For decades, the Rev. Robert Kapoun charmed parishioners with his accordion at “polka masses” across Minnesota. Privately, he took young boys to saunas, rectories and a secluded cabin in Cold Spring and sexually assaulted them, according to court testimony. Parents complained but leaders at the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis did little to stop him. Kapoun remained in ministry until 1996, the year a lawsuit brought by Dale Scheffler, one of his victims, went to trial. It was the biggest clergy sex abuse cas…

Oct 09, 2013: Panel investigating clergy sex abuse meets

A retired police officer with expertise in Internet sex crimes against kids, a law professor and a sex-abuse psychologist are among six lay people who had their first meeting Wednesday as members of a new task force looking into clergy sexual ­misconduct and how the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis has responded. The task force was named following allegations last week that archdiocesan leaders mishandled situations involving a priest who confessed to sexually assaulting two boys and is in prison as well as another priest who may have had child pornography on his computer. One of …

Oct 08, 2013: Hearing Tomorrow at 1PM in Crookston Regarding Release of Secret List of Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse

News ReleaseOctober 8, 2013 Hearing Tomorrow at 1PM in Crookston Regarding Release of Secret List of Priests with Credible Allegations of Sexual Abuse The Diocese of Crookston seeks to throw out efforts to make public the Diocese’s list of known child predators (Crookston, MN) – Tomorrow at 1:00PM in a Polk County courtroom, a sexual abuse survivor, along with her attorneys, will request the public release of a secret list possessed and maintained by the Diocese of Crookston that contains the names of several priests who have credible allegations of sexual abuse. Judge Tamara Yon will hear…

Oct 08, 2013: Nienstedt drafted letter to Vatican about porn on Hugo priest’s computer, report says

Roman Catholic Archbishop John Nienstedt of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis drafted a letter to the Vatican last year asking whether pornography found on a Hugo priest’s computer could “expose the archdiocese, as well as myself, to criminal prosecution,” according to a copy obtained by Minnesota Public Radio. The letter was provided to St. Paul police by Jennifer Haselberger, a former archdiocese official who said it was never mailed. In a letter to Cardinal William Levada, Nienstedt said the pornographic images were found on the Rev. Jonathan Shelley’s computer hard drive…

Oct 08, 2013: Recent Developments Regarding Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis Cover up

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, amid growing concerns of internal handling of clergy sexual abuse cases, responded to allegations of child pornography involving Father Jonathan Shelley by debating what constitutes the definition of child pornography. Below you will find a list of documents that contain conversations and correspondence between top church officials including Archbishop John Nienstedt, former Vicar General Peter Laird and canon lawyer and former chancellor for canonical affairs, Jennifer Haselberger. Also included is the police investigation of Fr. Jonathan…

Oct 08, 2013: Mother alleges wider church coverup of clergy sexual misconduct

A day after Duluth Bishop Paul Sirba told parishioners that he is “completely committed” to assisting victims of clergy sexual misconduct, a St. Paul mother accused him of participating in a coverup involving a priest who abused two of her boys. “There’s nothing Catholic about it. There’s nothing Christian about it. There’s nothing decent about it,” the mother said Monday in an interview with the Star Tribune. She was referring in part to a phone call she received from Sirba in 2009, when he was vicar general of the St. Paul-Minneapolis Archdiocese. She said Sirba called her after learning…

Oct 07, 2013: New documents show church leaders debated legality of priest’s porn

Archbishop John Nienstedt was in the middle of a heated political fight over same-sex marriage in February of last year when he learned of a disturbing secret, hidden in the basement of the chancery — pornography from a priest’s computer, some of which appeared to depict children. Canon lawyer Jennifer Haselberger had uncovered several computer discs and a white three-ring binder kept in the basement archives of the chancery building — the headquarters of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis. It was evidence from a 2004 internal investigation of sexually explicit images found on the…

Oct 07, 2013: Retired priest removed after child sex abuse allegation

A retired Catholic priest who served much of his career in the Northland has been removed from ministry after an accusation of child sexual abuse more than a generation ago. The Diocese of Duluth announced Sunday that the Rev. Cornelius Kelleher “has recently been credibly accused in the sexual abuse of a minor female during his time as pastor of St. Joseph’s Church in Chisholm from 1975 to 1986.” A statement from the diocese said that when the accusation came to light, Kelleher was immediately removed from public ministry and has been stripped of his abilities to function as a priest in ret…

Oct 06, 2013: Under fire, Archbishop Nienstedt scrambles to respond

  Archbishop John Nienstedt kept a relatively low profile on clergy sexual abuse until last week. Now he finds himself overseeing an archdiocese scrambling to react to charges of a pornography coverup inside his chancery. Nienstedt’s top deputy resigned abruptly Thursday in response to an allegation that he covered up evidence of child pornography on a computer owned by a Hugo priest. The accusation came from attorney Jennifer Haselberger, a former high-ranking lay official within the archdiocese. And it followed her earlier accusation that the archdiocese overlooked for nearly a decad…