News & Events

Mar 24, 2014: Archbishop Chaput’s Misleading Words No Substitute For Positive Action

Talk is cheap. In the case of Archbishop of Philadelphia Charles J. Chaput, talk is also cynical, misleading and hurtful.Chaput apologized to survivors of clergy sex abuse during a homily at a “Mass for Healing for Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse” Saturday in Philadelphia. Chaput also acknowledged the negligence of the “church’s pastors” in allowing the abuse to occur. What Chaput didn’t do – and hasn’t done – is take action to help sexual abuse survivors. In fact, he’s taken actions that hurt them. Let’s take a look at what Chaput hasn’t done. He hasn’t supported extending the Penns…

Mar 22, 2014: Winona Diocese Ordered to Turn Over Documents on Accused Priests

The Diocese of Winona must release all files it kept on priests accused of abuse, the latest update in a sprawling case against both the diocese and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis that continues to grow.A Ramsey County district judge this week ordered both the Winona diocese, as well as the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, to disclose their documents on priests by March 31. The documents may never see the light of day, at least not at first — they will be sealed and available only to the attorneys.The documents will “really show what the bishops knew, when they knew it, an…

Mar 21, 2014: Teacher Involved in Minnesota Sex Assaults Convicted in France

Years after allegations of sexual abuse in northern Minnesota, a French teacher has been convicted in France. Adrien Massy from Angers, France was in the Bemidji area back in 2010 when the assaults took place.A French court convicted Massy of sexually assaulting two metro area boys, a 10 and 11 year old while on a field trip. He was working as a foreign exchange teacher employed by the French Academy of Minnesota which is in St. Louis Park. The assaults took place while students were on a field trip at the Concordia Language Camp in Bemidji.”I continue to grieve for the children and their fami…

Mar 19, 2014: Judge: Archdiocese Must Yield Info on ‘Credibly Accused’ Priests

A Ramsey County judge ruled Tuesday that the Twin Cities archdiocese must turn over by March 31 documents related to its priests “credibly accused” of child sexual abuse.Names and biographical information on those 34 priests were disclosed in December, but attorneys for a plaintiff known as Doe 1 sought church documents that the archdiocese so far has refused to release.Judge John Van de North wrote in a memorandum that Minnesota has a “long tradition of liberal discovery and a generous definition of relevance for purposes of gathering facts prior to trial.”

Mar 17, 2014: Court Rules for Duluth Diocese in Documents Lawsuit

A judge on Monday tossed out portions of two lawsuits seeking to force the Diocese of Duluth to release documents detailing child sexual abuse cases.Sixth Judicial District Judge David Johnson ruled that the plaintiffs cannot pursue the release of the documents through private and public nuisance claims. Counts charging the diocese with negligence in its handling of sex abuse cases will remain open.

Mar 08, 2014: News Release: Crosiers Add 11 New Names to List of Credibly Accused

The Crosier Province voluntarily released this week an updated list of priests and brothers with credible child sexual abuse allegations.  The first list was previously disclosed in 2002 and Friday’s release included 11 new names of priests and brothers with one or more credible claims of child sex abuse. This is a promising step forward. We encourage the Crosiers to take the next step and release…

Mar 05, 2014: News Release: Court of Appeals Issues Orders in Doe 1 Lawsuit

 News ReleaseMarch 5, 2014Court of Appeals Issues Orders in Doe 1 LawsuitOrder – Granting or Denying MandamusProhibition Timeline of efforts to have Winona’s list released (St. Paul, MN) – The Court of Appeals issued two orders denying the Archdiocese’s and Diocese of Winona’s attempt to review Judge Van de North’s decisions and delay the case. These decisions permit us and this courageous survivor to move forward with full discovery including taking the depositions of the decision makers and advancing efforts to unearth the long-kept secrets.  We are grateful to Doe 1 for …

Mar 05, 2014: Court Clears Way for Deposition of Archbishop Nienstedt

The Minnesota Court of Appeals has cleared the way for attorneys representing an alleged victim of clergy sexual abuse to question Archbishop John Nienstedt under oath.In a three-page order issued Wednesday, Chief Judge Edward Cleary denied requests by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Diocese of Winona to block depositions of Nienstedt and former vicar general Kevin McDonough.

Mar 05, 2014: Court Clears Way For Deposition of Archbishop Nienstedt

The Minnesota Court of Appeals has cleared the way for attorneys representing an alleged victim of clergy sexual abuse to question Archbishop John Nienstedt under oath.In a three-page order issued Wednesday, Chief Judge Edward Cleary denied requests by the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Diocese of Winona to block depositions of Nienstedt and former vicar general Kevin McDonough.

Feb 26, 2014: Local Priest May Have Abused 50 Children

ST. PAUL, Minn. – He liked to be called “Father Jerry”.By his own account, Gerald Funcheon of the Catholic Order of the Holy Cross – the Croisers – started abusing young boys in the 1970’s here in the Twin Cities.”I suspect, and I don’t remember, it would have been at it St. Odilia’s,” he testified in a 2012 deposition.”The guy was a wolf,” according to David Bidney, one of kids who says he was abused starting when he was just 10. “They hurt me bad. And they hurt a lot of kids bad.”In addition to St. Odilia’s in Shoreview, Father Jerry served in parishes and schools in Anoka, Onamia, and St. C…

Feb 23, 2014: Abusive Priest Gets Disability, Support From Twin Cities Archdiocese

After the Rev. Gil Gustafson was convicted of child sex abuse 30 years ago, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis made sure he was financially secure for decades to come.The church continued his priestly salary and health insurance, covered his living expenses and psychological treatment and paid for his education and training, according to church records and a former archdiocese accountant. It has given him jobs in the chancery, helped him establish his own consulting business and steered clients his way.

Feb 23, 2014: Abusive Priest Gets Disability Support From Archdiocese

After the Rev. Gil Gustafson was convicted of child sex abuse 30 years ago, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis made sure he was financially secure for decades to come.The church continued his priestly salary and health insurance, covered his living expenses and psychological treatment and paid for his education and training, according to church records and a former archdiocese accountant. It has given him jobs in the chancery, helped him establish his own consulting business and steered clients his way.