News & Events

Mar 04, 2013: News Release: Hakalau Farmer Named in Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit

Working with the Oahu-based Law Office of Mark Gallagher, the nationally prominent child sex abuse law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates, announced today the filing of a civil lawsuit on behalf of a Honolulu man who says he was repeatedly sexually abused in the 1980’s by a Hakalau farmer who was his adoptive father.  The plaintiff, who is identified in the complaint as John Roe No. 8 to protect his privacy, claims that in approximately 1983 Jay …

Feb 28, 2013: Pioneer Press: Ruben Rosario: Ex-NFLer, sexually abused as a kid, opposes time limits on justice

You can’t get more red-blooded American macho than Al Chesley. Now 55, he is still — at 6 feet 3 inches and at least 250 pounds — a bear of a man, a former NFL middle linebacker nicknamed “Mad Dog” who played on a Philadelphia Eagles team that went to the Super Bowl.
But at age 13, he was but a child — putty in the hands of a larger-than-life and revered neighborhood police officer who loosened him up with booze, showed him porn flicks, then molested and raped him for nearly five years.
“He told me that he wanted to teach me how to become a man — how ironic,” Chesley said this week about…

Feb 28, 2013: Yeshiva University Rabbi George Finkelstein Acted Inappropriately Even After Ouster

Rabbi George Finkelstein was quietly forced out of Yeshiva University High School for Boys in 1995 because of inappropriate wrestling with students that some of them considered abusive. But the Forward has learned that the wrestling did not stop after his departure from Y.U. It continued during Finkelstein’s next two posts, as dean of a Jewish school in Florida and as director general of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue in Israel, where he worked until abruptly resigning this past December. The most recent wrestling incidents documented by the Forward were in 2009. Finkelstein, 67, has been a …

Feb 27, 2013: Editorial: A wider window for civil suits after child sex abuse

Minnesota is an outlier, compared with other states, when it comes to giving victims of child sexual abuse only until they reach age 24 — six years after becoming an adult — to file a civil lawsuit.
But under a proposal before the Legislature, they could file a lawsuit at any time, no matter how long ago the abuse occurred. Under the Minnesota Child Victims Act, Minnesota would remain an outlier — but 180 degrees the other way, as the only state to give victims the right to pursue civil lawsuits without a time restriction.
Measures seeking to give victims more time to bring civil suits ha…

Feb 27, 2013: How next pope must tackle child sex abuse

Editor’s note: Jeff Anderson is an attorney and the founder of Jeff Anderson and Associates in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has represented survivors of sexual abuse by clergy and other authority figures for 28 years. (CNN) — As Pope Benedict XVI steps down, the moral authority and future of the Roman Catholic Church depends on the next pope forcefully dealing with child sex abuse in its ranks. Benedict had the power to effect fundamental, institutional change from the top that would have protected children of future generations. Benedict failed on child protection and the sexual abuse of child…

Feb 27, 2013: How next pope must tackle child sex abuse

Editor’s note: Jeff Anderson is an attorney and the founder of Jeff Anderson and Associates in St. Paul, Minnesota. He has represented survivors of sexual abuse by clergy and other authority figures for 28 years.
(CNN) — As Pope Benedict XVI steps down, the moral authority and future of the Roman Catholic Church depends on the next pope forcefully dealing with child sex abuse in its ranks.
Benedict had the power to effect fundamental, institutional change from the top that would have protected children of future generations. Benedict failed on child protection and the sexual abuse of child…

Feb 26, 2013: Poly Prep-inspired Child Victims Act to be heard in New York State Assembley next month

New York assemblywoman Margaret Markey is taking her sexual abuse legislation on the road. Markey, a Democrat from Queens, will hold a hearing on her Child Victims Act, which would eliminate criminal and civil statute of limitations in sex abuse cases in Manhattan on March 8. The bill was inspired in part by scandals at Poly Prep, Penn State and Syracuse. Markey will hold the hearing with the New York State Assembly Codes Committee. The lawmakers have invited will hear from law enforcement officials, mental health experts and sexual abuse victims testify about why the statute of limitations …

Feb 26, 2013: Sexual abuse ‘in the DNA of Roman Church’

Former monk and priest, and now advocate for victims of sexual abuse within the Catholic Church, Patrick J Wall, says sexual abuse of children has been part of the culture of the Catholic Church as far back as 60 AD and despite constant attempts by the Popes to curtain the problem, it has never been snuffed out.    

Feb 26, 2013: Former Shattuck teacher accused of sexual abuse appears in court

KMSP-TV FARIBAULT, Minn. (KMSP) – Former Shattuck-St Mary’s drama teacher Lynn Seibel appeared in a Rice County, Minnesota courtroom Tuesday to face 17 felony counts of sexual misconduct for allegedly molesting six boys between 1996 and 2003 at the Faribault, Minn., school. Seibel, 71, was booked in the Rice County jail overnight. He was released from the Los Angeles County Jail on Monday after waiving extradition and was placed in the custody of a deputy who flew in after Californian prosecutors dropped a child pornography charge so the case in Minnesota could proceed. Bail was set at $20…

Feb 26, 2013: Sexual Child Abuse: ‘Our America With Lisa Ling’ Investigates (VIDEO)

After locking up the worst pedophile in its history, the state of Delaware decided to do something big about the silent epidemic plaguing their homes, schools and communities: Train five percent of its population on how to prevent sexual child abuse. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in six boys and one in four girls are sexually abused by the time they are 18 years old. This clip from “Our America with Lisa Ling” shows how the YMCA of Delaware is taking the statewide initiative one step further by training its entire staff. “It’s not a matter of if there are children in our l…

Feb 24, 2013: Stephen Baker, Friar, May Have Sexually Abused Dozens In Ohio, Pennsylvania Catholic Schools

TOLEDO, Ohio — About 50 more people have come forward to say they were sexually abused at Catholic schools in Pennsylvania and Ohio by a Franciscan brother who killed himself in January, said an attorney who settled 11 alleged abuse cases against the friar. Brother Stephen Baker, 62, stabbed himself in the heart at a western Pennsylvania monastery on Jan. 26, a little over a week after the disclosure of financial settlements in alleged abuse cases in Warren, Ohio. A coroner told the Altoona Mirror that Baker left a short note apologizing for his actions. The new accusers have alleged in rec…

Feb 20, 2013: Conclave brings out cardinals’ dirty laundry

VATICAN CITY (AP) Popular pressure is mounting in the U.S. and Italy to keep California Cardinal Roger Mahony away from the conclave to elect the next pope because of his role shielding sexually abusive priests, a movement targeting one of the most prominent of a handful of compromised cardinals scheduled to vote next month. Amid the outcry, Mahony has made clear he is coming, and no one can force him to recuse himself. A Vatican historian also said Wednesday that there is no precedent for a cardinal staying home because of personal scandal. But the growing grass-roots campaign is an indicati…