News & Events

Mar 15, 2018: Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis Attempts to Block Settlement Between Sexual Abuse Survivors and Crosiers

(St. Paul, MN) – Today in St. Paul, Minnesota, Attorneys Mike Finnegan, Trusha Goffe and a sexual abuse survivor will discuss the motion filed late yesterday in United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Minnesota, by the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis objecting to the reorganization plan in the Crosier Fathers & Brothers bankruptcy …

Mar 13, 2018: Corrected Assignment History Regarding Father William F. White

(Buffalo, New York) – The earlier assignment history for Father William F. White contained inaccuracies. Two priests with the same name worked in the Diocese of Buffalo. The Fr. William F. White referred to in the report did not work at Bishop Turner High School in Buffalo, New York. If there are further questions, please contact Jeff Anderson & Associates, PA.Office: (888)567-5557

Mar 12, 2018: Law Firm Challenges New York Bishops to Release Names and Information on All Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse

The time for “reconsidering” and “thinking about”releasing the names has passed (Buffalo, New York) – On Sunday, Bishop Richard J. Malone of the Diocese of Buffalo told the Buffalo News that he was “reconsidering” a longstanding policy that withholds the names of priests who have been accused of sexual abuse. Apparently, the diocese has a 15-year “tradition” of withholding the names of priests accused of sexual abuse. It’s time for this “tradition” to end. “The New York bishops have been thinking about releasing names for decades,” said Attorney Mike Reck of Jeff Anderson & Associates, PA….

Mar 02, 2018: Media Advisory: Abuse Survivor Seeks to Join Diocese Of St. Cloud in Lawsuits Against Insurance Companies

(St. Paul, MN) – Doe 524, a survivor of sexual abuse by a Catholic clergy member when he was an altar boy at Holy Cross Parish in Onamia, Minnesota in the 1960s and 1970s, has asked a Federal District Court in Minnesota to allow him to join two lawsuits involving the Diocese of St. Cloud and its insurance companies. The two lawsuits were brought by the Diocese and Catholic Mutual Insurance Company last year to determine whether policies issued to the Diocese by other insurance companies cover the more…

Mar 01, 2018: Media Advisory: Diocese of Rockville Centre Settles Sex Abuse Claim

(Rockville Centre, NY) – A survivor of childhood sexual abuse by Diocese of Rockville Centre priest Fr. Ernest E. Robinson, a convicted sex offender, has settled his claims against the Diocese through the Diocese’s Independent Reconciliation and Compensation Program (IRCP). Robinson has never been publicly identified as a perpetrator priest.Robinson sexually abused the survivor in approximately 1980, when Robinson was a priest at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Greenlawn…

Feb 22, 2018: Misuse of Musical Ministry

On February 15, 2018, our firm held a press conference in Long Island, NY, and exposed the name of a predatory priest, Fr. Peter Charland, who found a path to his victims through musical youth groups in the parishes he was assigned to.  By all accounts, Fr. Charland was a charismatic, charming leader who coerced his way into children’s lives through well-known grooming tactics.  Survivor, Steven Werner, a former member of the P.J. Folk Singers led by Fr. Charland, courageously spoke at the press conference and acknowledged that the abuse he suffered at the hands of Fr. Charland was…

Feb 15, 2018: Media Advisory: Multiple Abuse Claims Against Former Diocese of Rockville Centre Priest Thursday, Survivor to Speak Publicly

Today, February 15, 2018, Attorney J. Michael Reck of Jeff Anderson & Associates P.A. will release the name and photographs of a Diocese of Rockville Centre perpetrator whose identity has never been publicly released. The perpetrator left the priesthood and became a psychotherapist working with children after abusing children in the Diocese of Rockville Centre.

Jan 19, 2018: Pope Francis Defends Bishop Accused of Protecting Pedophile Priest and Accuses Child Sexual Abuse Survivors of Slander

In Chile on Thursday, Pope Francis defended a bishop he appointed in 2015, even though the bishop was accused of protecting a pedophile priest. He went further and accused the priest’s victims of slandering the bishop, demanding that they provide “proof” of their allegations, even though Pope Francis apparently has refused to meet with all of the priest’s victims to discuss what they know.The Pope’s attack angered, horrified and re-traumatized survivors and is another, more frontal example of the Vatican protecting itself at the expense of clergy…

Jan 15, 2018: Fr. Antonio Marfori Added to Diocese of St. Cloud’s Clergy Abuse List, Attorneys Challenge Bishop to Release More Information

(St. Paul, MN) – On Friday afternoon, St. Cloud Diocese Bishop Donald Kettler added Fr. Antonio “Tony” Marfori to the diocese’s list of clergy likely to have abused minors, making Marfori the 40th name on the list. “Putting Fr. Marfori on the list is the right thing to do but much more information is needed in order to protect children in St. Cloud,” said Jeff Anderson, attorney for three Marfori sexual abuse survivors.

Jan 05, 2018: 2017 – A Remarkable Year of Courage by Abuse Survivors

“Courage, my friends; ‘tis not too late to build a better world.” – Tommy DouglasThe past year will be remembered for many things but for us, one thing stood out from the turbulence of 2017:Courage.The courage of survivors to confront sexual abuse, sexual harassment and all forms of sexual misconduct in spite of their fears and the systems stacked against them amazed and inspired us in 2017. The groundswell that began with clergy sexual abuse survivors in the 1980s and 2000s,  energized Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein survivors and emboldened survivors of sexual misconduct by priests…