News & Events

Aug 31, 2018: Survivor Inspires By Rejecting Payout, Seeking Justice

As an adult, Paul Dunn came forward and reported that he was sexually abused as a child by a Queens, NY, priest, many years after it happened. Now 53, Dunn spent the past 40 or so years suffering: attempted suicide, addiction, cutting, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and three failed marriages. In June, he turned down a $200,000 cash settlement for his suffering because it ‘“doesn’t even come close” to delivering justice.”’We are inspired by his courage and selflessness. The Diocese of Brooklyn, which covers Queens, offered Dunn the money after he provided details regarding his…

Aug 30, 2018: Diocese of Buffalo, Bishop Malone Continue to Put Children at Risk

Today a courageous sexual abuse survivor, Matthew Golden, sued the Diocese of Buffalo, New York for nuisance. The lawsuit claims that the Diocese of Buffalo continues to conspire and engage in efforts to conceal from the public and law enforcement, the identities of priests who have sexually abused minors and allow known child molesters like Fr. Dennis Riter who abused Golden when he was a child, to live freely in the community without information the public. To-date, more than 80 priests have been accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Buffalo. Attorney Stacey Benson calls on the…

Aug 29, 2018: Pope’s Apology Rings Hollow for Sexual Abuse Survivors

Last week, Pope Francis offered an apology to survivors of child sexual abuse, but this apology rings hollow. The Catholic Church, its Bishops, and the current and previous Popes, continue to repeatedly apologize to survivors without taking any action to help survivors of sexual abuse. Words do not protect children, actions do. Attorney Mike Finnegan calls on Pope Francis and the Vatican to come clean, release the files of all pedophile priests and punish the Bishops who were complicit in covering up these horrific crimes against children.

Aug 24, 2018: Doe 446 to Speak Publicly Today in Duluth for First Time, Press Event 11:00 AM

At a news conference today in Duluth, sexual abuse survivor Doe 446 and
his attorneys, Mike Finnegan, Mike Bryant and Josh Peck will speak publicly for the first time about the jury verdict returned last night in his favor; discuss the lawsuit filed by Doe 446 against Fr. William Graham in 2016
for child sexual abuse and Fr. Graham’s retaliatory lawsuit claiming
contract interference and intentional infliction of emotional distress and Call on the Diocese of Duluth and Bishop Paul Sirba to release Fr.
Graham’s file and the details surrounding the internal investigation,
which resulted in the Diocesan Review Board finding Doe 446’s abuse
claims credible

Aug 22, 2018: Attorney & Survivors Call for Statewide Grand Jury Investigation of Cover-up by Catholic Bishops in Minnesota

At a news conference today, sexual abuse survivors and attorney Jeff Anderson will urge the Minnesota attorney general and local prosecutors across Minnesota to launch a grand jury investigation into all Catholic dioceses. Discuss how the Minnesota Catholic Bishops have used bankruptcy to stop the unraveling of the cover-up of child sex abuse

Aug 15, 2018: Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Exposes the Catholic Church’s “Playbook for Concealing the Truth”

The highly anticipated 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report was released Tuesday naming over 300 predator priests who were credibly accused of sexually abusing more than 1,000 children over the course of 70 years across six Pennsylvania dioceses. The information contained in this report substantiates what we have known for years: the Vatican and those in positions of power in the Catholic Church have continued to deceive the public and its parishioners through present day. As explained in the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report, this problem is not happening “somewhere else,” but it’s happening every…

Aug 09, 2018: Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report Highlights Need For Transparency, Law Reform

As we await the release of a long-anticipated Pennsylvania grand jury report on hundreds of predatory priests, it is more important than ever to keep demanding that bishops act to end the secrecy and tell the truth about clergy sex abuse in the Catholic Church. And it is a reminder that the time is now for statute of limitations reform for child sexual abuse cases in Pennsylvania and everywhere else.The redacted 900-page report is expected to include approximately 300 clergy abusers. We believe there are hundreds more, many of whom are in active ministry or still alive, meaning kids are in…

Jul 31, 2018: Duluth Youth Facility Employee Abuse Charges Highlight Need For Better Vetting, Training And Supervision

Reports of a man charged with sexually abusing at least five boys while working at a Duluth youth care facility underscore the need for employers to rigorously vet, train and supervise their employees to prevent child sexual abuse.Mark David Painter, 28, of Hermantown, Minn., was charged last week with sexually abusing at least five boys ranging from ages 13-17 while working at Hills Youth and Family Services in Duluth. The facility, formerly known as Woodland Hills, offers after school care, mental health services and treatment for adjudicated youths.Police responded to a report of three…

Jul 12, 2018: New Hawaii Law Gives Sexual Abuse Survivors A Way To Seek Healing, Justice And Accountability

On Tuesday, the Hawaii Legislature opened a retroactive window for sexual abuse survivors to come forward and file a claim against their alleged perpetrators, as well as against institutions, businesses, corporations or other public or private entities associated with the perpetrators. The window gives survivors until April 24, 2020, to bring these cases, including survivors who were barred by statutes of limitations before the legislation was enacted. The law applie…

Jul 11, 2018: Report on Child Sexual Abuse in Hawaii to be Released Today; Honolulu Press Event Today

New law allows more time for survivors to come forward, expose abusers, and stop the cover-up(Honolulu, HI) – On Wednesday, July 11 2018, Attorney Mark Gallagher, the law firm Jeff Anderson & Associates, and sexual abuse advocates and survivors will:•    Release a new report containing the identities, histories and background information on dozens of priests and clerics accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Honolulu;•    Show how high ranking church officials knew that Bishop Joseph Ferrario had sexually molested children before he became a bishop…

Jul 02, 2018: Bishop Richard Malone Challenged to Give Answers and Explanation for Reinstatement of Accused Serial Predator

Attorneys Mike Reck and Jeff Anderson, along with survivor Matthew Golden, demand that the Bishop, Review Board and top officials of the Buffalo Diocese give a transparent and open explanation of Fr. Riter’s return to ministry  (Buffalo, New York) – Last Thursday, without explanation or notification to survivors, Matthew Golden opened up the newspaper to read that the man who sexually abused him as a child, Father Dennis Riter, was being returned to ministry after the Diocese of Buffalo, Bishop Richard Malone, Investigator Scott Riordan and the Diocesan Review Board determined that the…

Jun 29, 2018: Diocese of Buffalo Makes Dangerous Decision to Reinstate Fr. Dennis Riter After Multiple Abuse Allegations

“Unfortunately, the Bishop has chosen to support a priest accused of abusing multiple children.” – Attorney Mike Reck(Buffalo, New York) – The Diocese of Buffalo made a startling and dangerous decision yesterday when it reinstated Fr. Dennis G. Riter who is accused of sexually abusing multiple children. The survivor who reported Fr. Riter says that he is “morally compelled to not walk away,” said Mike Reck, an attorney for the survivor, who added that the diocese needs to acknowledge that Riter is a public safety threat and reverse its decision immediately.“As long as the Diocese of Buffalo…