News & Events

Oct 19, 2018: Department of Justice Investigations Long Overdue, Will Test Church Hierarchy

News that the U.S. Department of Justice is investigating Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania and the Diocese of Buffalo in New York for their handling of clergy sex abuse is as significant as it is overdue. No one can predict the outcome, but the investigations provide hope for accountability and transparency for the Catholic Church and healing for survivors.The involvement of the feds ups the ante in the current swirl of public outrage over, and secular investigations into, sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and the Church’s cover-up. In Pennsylvania, the federal investigation comes on the heels …

Oct 12, 2018: Pope’s Mixed Message On Wuerl Shows He Does Not Understand Or Care

Pope Francis sent another demoralizing mixed message to sexual abuse survivors today. Unfortunately, that is not surprising.The pope accepted the resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington today. This should have been a positive demonstration to survivors of his commitment to hold bishops accountable for mishandling clergy sex abuse cases. Wuerl was named in the recent Pennsylvania grand jury report that accused church hierarchy of covering up abuse. Pennsylvania’s attorney general said the report and documents show that “Cardinal Wuerl oversaw and participated in the…

Oct 03, 2018: Attorneys Release Report on Clergy Abuse in Los Angeles

On October 2, 2018, Jeff Anderson & Associates released a report on clergy sexual abuse in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. The report details the history of the Archdiocese and provides background and information on 307 perpetrators who were allowed to work in the Archdiocese. We believe this number is deficient and expect more information to come to light in the future. Of the 307, at least 37 perpetrators were allowed to flee Los Angeles once reports of abuse were known to Church officials. Even more concerning, is that the whereabouts of at least 150 are unknown and our communities and …

Oct 02, 2018: California Bishops Sued for Covering Up Child Sex Abuse—Los Angeles Press Event Today

Jeff Anderson & Associates will announce the filing of a nuisance lawsuit against the California bishops
for covering up child sexual abuse including: the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, Archdiocese of San Francisco; Diocese of Orange; Diocese of San
Bernardino; Diocese of San Diego; Diocese of Fresno; Diocese of
Sacramento; Diocese of Oakland; Diocese of San Jose; Diocese of
Monterey; Diocese of Santa Rosa; and the Archdiocese of Chicago where
the perpetrator worked before being sent to California

Sep 28, 2018: Jeff Anderson & Zero Abuse Project Stand in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and All Survivors

Attorneys, Advocates and Survivors to Stand and Voice Their Support for Sexual Abuse Survivors and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Today at the First Annual Zero Abuse Project National Conference(St. Paul, MN) – At a press conference today in St. Paul, Minnesota, Attorney Jeff Anderson, Survivor Advocate and Zero Abuse Project Board Member Joelle Casteix, Advocate Beatriz Mendoza (hablamos Español) and Empower Survivors Founder Elizabeth Sullivan will: •    Stand in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and all survivors of sexual abuse who had the courage to share their secret; •&nbsp…

Sep 25, 2018: Bankruptcy Court Approves $210 Million Settlement Between Sexual Abuse Survivors and Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis

(Minneapolis, MN) –  Today, U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge Robert J. Kressel approved the consensual bankruptcy plan between sexual abuse survivors and the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis.“Because of the courage of these survivors standing in strength and in solidarity with each other, we can take great comfort that by the actions they’ve taken, kids and the community are safer,” said Jeff Anderson, attorney for many of the survivors.The plan of reorganization calls for a $210 million settlement with survivors of sexual abuse by Archdiocese clergy and employees. The survivors previous…

Sep 21, 2018: Archdiocese of St. Paul-Minneapolis Survivors Vote Nearly Unanimously to Accept Plan of Reorganization in Bankruptcy Case

(St. Paul, MN) – Sexual abuse survivors who filed claims in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis bankruptcy case voted nearly unanimously to accept the Archdiocese’s plan of reorganization. Out of 400 votes cast, 398 voted to accept the plan, representing 99.5 percent of the ballots cast.“The survivors’ overwhelming vote to accept the plan shows the power of giving survivors a voice,” said Jeff Anderson, attorney for many of the survivors who voted. “They wanted to be heard, included and respected, and to know they’ve done something to protect kids and make the community safer.”…

Sep 13, 2018: Buffalo Diocese Needs To Focus On Protecting Children Instead Of Itself

If only the Diocese of Buffalo would put even a fraction of the effort into protecting kids as it puts into covering up for sexual abuse by priests and guarding its secret archives.Yesterday, an investigative news team at WKBW in Buffalo reported that the Diocese of Buffalo vastly understated the number and concealed the identities of priests accused of sexual abuse. The report is damning. In March, the Diocese released a list of 42 priests “who were removed from ministry, were retired, or left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor,” after pressure from our law firm and sexual …

Sep 13, 2018: Buffalo Diocese Needs To Focus On Protecting Children Instead Of Itself

If only the Diocese of Buffalo would put even a fraction of the effort into protecting kids as it puts into covering up for sexual abuse by priests and guarding its secret archives.Yesterday, an investigative news team at WKBW in Buffalo reported that the Diocese of Buffalo vastly understated the number and concealed the identities of priests accused of sexual abuse. The report is damning. In March, the Diocese released a list of 42 priests “who were removed from ministry, were retired, or left ministry after allegations of sexual abuse of a minor,” after pressure from our law firm and sexual …

Sep 12, 2018: Explosive News Investigation Reveals Diocese of Buffalo, Bishop Malone, Continue to Deceive the Public

An alleged secret database containing 324 names and files of priests, deacons, religious and lay persons was created by the Diocese of Buffalo nicknamed the “Well” and the “Secret Archives”(Buffalo, New York) – Today in Buffalo, an explosive news report was released detailing the alleged scope of the clergy sexual abuse scandal in the Diocese of Buffalo. According to the report and records obtained by the investigative news team at WKBW, the Diocese of Buffalo has been far from transparent in releasing the full scope of information and names of priests who were removed from ministry, retired, …

Sep 10, 2018: First Hawaii Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Filed Naming Fr. James Jackson, Diocese of Honolulu and Maryknoll Order

Alleged perpetrator Fr. James Jackson was treated by pedophile Dr. Robert BrowneComplaint (Roe 101)(Honolulu, HI) – Today, the first lawsuit naming the Diocese of Honolulu and the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, a religious order, was filed on behalf of a courageous sexual abuse survivor who was abused as a child by Father James Jackson. The lawsuit, filed by Kailua attorney Mark Gallagher and Jeff Anderson & Associates, alleges that Fr. Jackson, using his position and authority as a Roman Catholic priest, sexually abused John Doe 101 when he was a parishioner at Sacred Heart Church in…

Sep 07, 2018: The Time Is Now For Law Enforcement Investigation of Clergy Abuse Everywhere

This week, the attorneys general of five states announced they are conducting independent investigations of the Catholic dioceses in their states with regard to clergy sexual abuse. They join the ranks of other states where attorneys generals are investigating the Catholic Church in the wake of the Pennsylvania grand jury report on clergy abuse released in August. Attorney Jeff Anderson calls on attorneys general and law enforcement in all 50 states to do the same, in order to cut through the Church’s secrecy and complicity regarding sexual abuse of children by its clergy.