News & Events

Mar 15, 2019: Pennsylvania Dioceses’ Compensation Programs Available to Clergy Abuse Survivors

In response to the bombshell 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on clergy sexual abuse, six of Pennsylvania’s eight dioceses are offering compensation programs for survivors. The best response would be for Pennsylvania lawmakers to enact a Child Victims Act giving survivors more time to bring civil lawsuits against pedophiles and their enabling institutions, and opening a window for bringing claims currently barred by the statute of limitations. The Pennsylvania bishops won’t give up their secrets and stop protecting abusive clergy until that happens.But the compensation programs no doubt…

Feb 26, 2019: Hey, Pope Francis: The Devil Is In the Detail

The Vatican summit on Catholic clergy child sex abuse ended as these things usually do, with a lot of defensive and cynical lip service from the pope that has no apparent purpose other than public relations shell games. This time, it included a lot of papal talk about the devil.On the eve of the summit with 180 of his bishops last week, Pope Francis proclaimed that critics of the Church are “friends, cousins and relatives of the devil.”, an assertion so stunningly ridiculous and tone deaf that it is hard to believe a pope uttered it with a straight face. As the summit ended, Pope Francis state…

Feb 19, 2019: Leaders of Catholic Religious Orders Admit to “Errors in Judgment”; Statement from Jeff Anderson & Associates

“These are not errors in judgement but calculated and conscious choices they have made for decades. This is a time for action and truth, not apologies and appeasement.” – Attorney Jeff Anderson(Rome) – Today, the leaders of the Catholic religious orders admitted to what they refer to as, “errors in judgment” in handling child sexual abuse cases. Last week, five courageous sexual abuse survivors filed a lawsuit naming the Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men for hiding a dangerous public hazard by concealing the identities and files of all religious clerics who have been accused of chi…

Feb 18, 2019: Pope Francis to Host “Unprecedented” Summit on Child Sexual Abuse as Survivors Continue to Demand Justice

Pope Francis to host “unprecedented” summit on child sexual abuseNew York’s history-making Child Victims Act is a victory for sexual abuse survivors in the face of – and in response to – decades of cover-up and inactivity by powerful institutions. The new law allows sexual abuse survivors more time to seek justice and healing while holding enabling institutions accountable and pressuring them to finally be transparent and safe. The New York Child Victims Act comes in the midst of a head-spinning era of sexual abuse prevention activity, public pressure and publicity in which we read about…

Feb 15, 2019: Brooklyn Diocese Releases List of Clergy Accused of Sexual Misconduct with Minors; Statement from Jeff Anderson & Associates

Statement from Jeff Anderson & Associates (Brooklyn, NY) – Today, the Diocese of Brooklyn and Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio released a list of over 100 names of clergy with allegations of sexual misconduct with a minor.  Prior to today’s release, the Brooklyn diocese covertly released a list on its website in November 2017 containing the names of 8 priests and then quietly added five more names to the list.  This list is currently unavailable on the diocese’s website. In addition to this list, the Diocese of Brooklyn made a brief statement in response to survivor Thomas Davis’ allegat…

Feb 14, 2019: Tom Davis Shares His Truth About Sexual Abuse by Msgr. Otto Garcia at St. Michael’s in the Diocese of Brooklyn

Monsignor Otto Garcia was tasked with handling pedophile priests in the Brooklyn Diocese — but now a man is accusing him of abuseA Queens man claims he endured sexual abuse by a priest — now a monsignor — who would later be accused of concealing the sins of pedophile priests in the Brooklyn Diocese.For more than four decades, Tommy Davis says, he carried the secret that he’d been repeatedly sexually abused as a teen by Monsignor Otto Garcia.And Davis says his shame caused him to fall into drugs, alcoholism and ruined relationships before he got sober. It took him decades to tell his story…

Jan 28, 2019: New York Child Victims Act: Statement from Attorney Jeff Anderson

New York Child Victims Act Will Hold Institutions Accountable, Help Survivors HealThe Historic Reform Legislation Will Change Lives (Albany, NY) – By passing the Child Victims Act (CVA) today, the New York Legislature gave long-suffering survivors a chance to come forward and begin the healing process. It is a new day.We applaud the New York Legislature for doing the right thing. Sen. Brad Hoylman and Assemblywoman Linda Rosenthal deserve credit for sponsoring and guiding the legislation. Most of the credit goes to child sexual abuse survivors, who have endured years, sometimes decades, of…

Jan 28, 2019: Historic Child Protection Vote Today – New York Lawmakers Expected To Pass Child Victims Act

Long-Awaited Reform To Provide Justice and Accountability (Albany, NY) – New York is on the verge of making child protection history as the state Legislature is expected to pass the proposed Child Victims Act (CVA) today. “It appears that the lawmakers in New York are finally coming together to choose the welfare of survivors and the public over the interests of powerful institutions trying to protect themselves and their secrets,” said Jeff Anderson, an attorney with Jeff Anderson & Associates noted for his work on behalf of child sexual abuse survivors for more than three decades…