News & Events

Apr 22, 2019: Show Your Solidarity on Denim Day (April 24)

In this video, survivor advocates Christopher, Kristen, Stacey, Michelle and Asja sport their best denim to raise awareness for Denim Day – an annual, all-day protest that began after the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction because in the eyes of the court, since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped her attacker, implying consent. The following day, the women of Italian Parliament wore jeans in solidarity with the victim. In this spirit we invite you to join us on April 24 – put on a pair of jeans, stand in solidarity with survivors, and speak out against…

Apr 12, 2019: Pope Benedict Still Doesn’t Get It

The safety of our children must come first.It’s a simple, direct, crystal clear statement. It’s one that we’ve put to clergy members in the form of a question in clergy child sex abuse cases many times over the years: “Father, wouldn’t you agree that the safety of our children must come first?” They’ve almost always answered in the affirmative. How could they not? Distilled this simply, the statement is an absolute no-brainer.Yet, the Catholic Church hierarchy ignores this truth to protect itself, making excuses, convoluted arguments and specious assertions of blame for sexual abuse of child…

Apr 05, 2019: There Are Many Things We All Can Do To Help Protect Children, Support Survivors

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month. As we recognize the importance of protecting children and helping survivors heal and thrive, we urge everyone to join the child protection movement and do the same – this month and beyond.You can do this in many ways. Simply talking about child abuse and sexual violence is one way. Having thoughtful, open and trauma-informed conversations about abuse helps break the often-present stigma around it. It is often very difficult for survivors to disclose their abuse. Being open and present for survivors – and telling them you…

Mar 29, 2019: Serial Predator Fr. Romano Ferraro Up for Parole: Make Your Voice Heard

One of the eastern seaboard’s most notorious predator priests, Father Romano Ferraro, is up for parole on a life sentence. For decades Ferraro was moved from parish to parish under the protection of Roman Catholic hierarchs, all the while sexually abusing countless children in New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Missouri. This man is as dangerous today as he was back when he first admitted his sexual desires for young boys as a seminarian in 1955.His parole hearing is Tuesday, April 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. at the Massachusetts Parole Board’s Central Office at 12 Mercer Road, Natick, MA…

Mar 19, 2019: Child Sex Abuse Lawsuit Filed Against Diocese of Orange and Priest—News Conference Tuesday in Santa Ana

Diocese Protected Fr. John Ruhl In Spite of multiple Abuse AccusationsAt a press conference Tuesday in Santa Ana, California, survivors, advocates, and the law firm of Jeff Anderson & Associates will announce a lawsuit on behalf of a man naming the Diocese of Orange and Fr. John E. Ruhl as defendants. The lawsuit alleges that Fr. Ruhl sexually abused the boy at a Placentia parish.

Mar 15, 2019: Pennsylvania Dioceses’ Compensation Programs Available to Clergy Abuse Survivors

In response to the bombshell 2018 Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report on clergy sexual abuse, six of Pennsylvania’s eight dioceses are offering compensation programs for survivors. The best response would be for Pennsylvania lawmakers to enact a Child Victims Act giving survivors more time to bring civil lawsuits against pedophiles and their enabling institutions, and opening a window for bringing claims currently barred by the statute of limitations. The Pennsylvania bishops won’t give up their secrets and stop protecting abusive clergy until that happens.But the compensation programs no doubt…

Feb 26, 2019: Hey, Pope Francis: The Devil Is In the Detail

The Vatican summit on Catholic clergy child sex abuse ended as these things usually do, with a lot of defensive and cynical lip service from the pope that has no apparent purpose other than public relations shell games. This time, it included a lot of papal talk about the devil.On the eve of the summit with 180 of his bishops last week, Pope Francis proclaimed that critics of the Church are “friends, cousins and relatives of the devil.”, an assertion so stunningly ridiculous and tone deaf that it is hard to believe a pope uttered it with a straight face. As the summit ended, Pope Francis state…