News & Events

Jun 14, 2019: U.S. Bishops’ New Accountability Protocols Defy Accountability

Sometimes a headline describes an issue better than the story. Take this one from Thursday’s article in American Magazine about bishop accountability protocols regarding sexual abuse adopted by U.S. Catholic bishops  this week in Baltimore:“U.S. bishops adopt new protocols for holding themselves accountable for sex abuse”The story highlights how the bishops’ new protocols are designed to ensure transparency and impartiality in dealing with sexual abuse and abuse cover-up by U.S. bishops, problems which have been secretly handled in-house by bishops and the Vatican for decades with…

Jun 05, 2019: Releasing Names of 43 Perpetrators Accused of Sexual Misconduct in Fresno

Releasing a report containing the identities, histories, photographs and information on 43 clerics accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Fresno;

Discussing the recently announced Diocese of Fresno compensation program for clergy sexual abuse survivors;

Sexual abuse survivor Tom Emens speaks publicly about his abuse as a minor by a priest in Anaheim, California, and his efforts to make California Dioceses accountable and transparent;

Demanding full disclosure by the Diocese of Fresno and the religious orders regarding all clergy accused of sexual abuse who worked in the Dioc…

Jun 04, 2019: Exposing California Diocesan Compensation Programs

Prominent Catholic whistle blower, survivors, and law firm expose California Diocesan compensation program:

Siobahn O’Connor, former personal assistant to Diocese of Buffalo Bishop Malone will discuss the cover-up of clergy sexual abuse.

Releasing a summary of the diocesan compensation programs for clergy sexual abuse.

Survivor Christopher Szuflita will discuss his abuse by a Diocese of Buffalo priest, the Diocese handling of his reports, and his decision to reject a settlement offer under the Diocese’s compensation program.

Survivor Thomas Davis will discuss his abuse by a Diocese…

Jun 03, 2019: Releasing Names of 65 Perpetrators Accused of Sexual Misconduct in the Diocese of Rockville Centre

Jeff Anderson and Associates is in Long Island to release a report containing names, histories, and photographs of 65 clerics accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Rockville Center.

A sexual abuse survivor speaks publicly about his abuse by Fr. Peter Charland at SS Philip and James Church.

A demand for full disclosure by the Diocese of Rockville and the religious orders regarding all clergy accused of sexual abuse who worked in the diocese, including their current whereabouts, photographs, and histories.

May 31, 2019: Arizona Enacts Historic Law Giving Abuse Survivors Chance to Seek Healing, Justice

On Monday, Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law victim’s rights legislation that gives child sexual abuse survivors more time to file civil claims against their perpetrators and the institutions that protected them. Arizona joined the ranks of New York, New Jersey and a growing number of other states in reforming their statutes of limitations for child sexual abuse, giving survivors a long-denied path to healing, justice and accountability.The law extends the age limit to bring a claim against a perpetrator from 20 to 30 and opens a temporary window for survivors older than 30 to file civil…

May 29, 2019: What Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors Need to Know About California Compensation Plans

On May 14, 2019, the Catholic bishops of California announced the establishment of an Independent Compensation Program for Victim-Survivors of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Priests in six California dioceses. These programs will be available to anyone who has been sexually abused as a minor by diocesan priests of the participating dioceses, but this isn’t necessarily the best option for everyone. Our office has represented survivors in similar plans in New York and Pennsylvania. In this short video, attorney and advocate Mike Reck covers the basics and simplifies some of the complexities of these …

May 28, 2019: Arizona Child Sexual Abuse Survivors Granted New Rights in Unanimous Legislature Vote

On May 27, 2019, following a groundbreaking unanimous legislative approval in the wake of emotionally-charged negotiations and testimony, Governor Doug Ducey signed into law Arizona’s own victims’ rights bill (HB2466). In so doing, Arizona has joined the ranks of New York, New Jersey, and a growing number of other states in effectively reforming the statute of limitations for child sexual abuse survivors and opening new roads to healing, justice, and accountability. “This bill is an important step in providing victims of child sexual abuse the justice they deserve,” tweeted Gov…

May 15, 2019: New Victims’ Rights Law in New Jersey: Three Reasons Why It Matters

The new law in New Jersey is the most historic development in Child Protection and helping survivors that has ever been signed into law. Reason Number 1: It gives survivors the chance to expose offenders – past and present – in the community.Reason Number 2: It gives survivors a chance to have their voice heard and known in a way never-before acknowledged or allowed by law. It opens the courthouse doors and can bring child protection and transparency in the communities about where the risks are and who chose to protect those offenders.Reason Number 3: It allows survivors a chance to exercise…