News & Events

Mar 23, 2011: World’s Largest Pornography Ring Cracked

On March 16, criminal investigators from the United Kingdom’s Child
Exploitation and Online Protection Centre cracked what is being
described as the World’s largest paedophile ring ever. 
Detectives have arrested  184 people from the Netherlands, UK,
Australia, Italy, Canada, New Zealand and Thailand during the three-year
investigation.  According to the report by the BBC, members of the
network used private channels and secret systems to share pornographic
films and images.  The operation chief, Peter Davies, said “Not only is
it one of the largest operatio…

Feb 28, 2011: A Defining Moment for Child Protection: Federal Judge Allows Alien Tort Case to Proceed

TheCA_central district court house.jpg U.S. District Court for the Central District of California issued an unprecedented opinion today allowing our client’s case using the Alien Tort Statute to go forward.  You can find the entire text of the opinion on our site.  In denying Defendant Cardinal Roger Mahony’s and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, the Court permitted Plaintiff’s…

Feb 24, 2011: New Lawsuit Names Predator Priest Still In Ministry with the Salesians

Today, our firm and Anthony DeMarco, an attorney in Los Angeles, filed a suit on behalf of a courageous survivor who was abused as a young boy by a Salesian priest, Fr. Gerald Wertz, at St. John Bosco High School in Bellflower, California.  You can find a copy of the lawsuit here.  Importantly, Fr. Gerald “Jerry” Wertz is still considered to be in ministry, and is residing in the Salesian Provincial House in San Francisco, adjacent to a high school with over 1,000 students.

Feb 17, 2011: Jeff Anderson’s legal team has questions about Milwaukee Archdiocese finances

In a recent blog post Archbishop Dolan is incorrect in claiming that we accused him of secretly “hiding” the assets referred to in his blog.  The fact is, we simply stated that we had questions about certain financial moves made by the Archdiocese. Indeed, what he did wasn’t hidden.  In fact, he and his financial advisors brazenly “moved” the assets out of the control of the Archdiocese in broad daylight—after the Wisconsin Supreme Court allowed some victims of clergy sexual abuse to sue the Archdiocese.  We think we have grounds to be suspicious…

Feb 14, 2011: New Case Filed in Philadelphia Alleging Conspiracy to Endanger Children

A case
filed today
in Philadelphia by our office, as well as attorneys Dan Monahan
and Marci Hamilton, is brought on behalf of a courageous survivor who was
sexually abused as a child.  The suit names ten defendants, including the
Archdiocese and Archdiocesan officials, alleging a conspiracy to endanger
children by actively concealing sexually abusive priests, and continuing the
priests in ministry despite known credible allegations of child abuse.

Feb 10, 2011: Philadelphia Grand Jury Charges Priests, Teacher, Archdiocese Official and Victim’s Assistance Front

Philadelphia, three priests and a parochial school teacher are being charged for
sexually abusing two children and the Secretary for Clergy for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is being
charged for endangering the welfare of children by knowingly allowing dangerous
priests to continue in ministry roles where they had access to children.

Jan 31, 2011: Undesired and Unwanted

That is exactly what the Vatican stated when it was faced with accepting service of Terry Kohut’s lawsuit relating to the sexual abuse of hundreds of boys  by Fr. Lawrence Murphy at the St. John’s School for the Deaf in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.   According to a document filed in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, the Vatican accepted service of the legal documents involved with the lawsuit and then, four days later, the Vatican contacted FedEx and asked FedEx to retrieve the package because the package was “undesired and unwanted.”

Jan 19, 2011: Secret Vatican Letter to Irish Bishops Claims Reporting of Sexual Abuse Violates Church Law

In a recently discovered internal Vatican document marked “Strictly Confidential” obtained by the Associated Press, the Vatican flexed its muscles over Irish bishops who adopted a child sexual abuse reporting policy that required making a police report.  The policy in question required church leaders to report all child sexual abuse allegations by Irish priests to Irish law enforcement.   According to a letter from the Vatican’s chief representative in Ireland, dated January 31, 1997,  “the situation of ‘mandatory reporting’ [of sexual abuse] gives rise to…

Jan 11, 2011: International Trafficking of Pedophile Priests

A case filed yesterday (1.10.11)in United States District Court for the District of Minnesota puts the problem of sexually abusive pedophile priests in a global perspective..  The lawsuit, brought by a man who was sexually abused as an 8 year-old boy at his parish in Granite Falls, Minnesota by a priest named Francis Markey is a classic example of the national and international trafficking of pedophile priests.  In 1982, when the 8 year-old was abused, Fr. Markey was known to..

Jan 10, 2011: Child Protection News Blog Combating Child Pornography –

A relative newcomer to the world of blogging, Jeff Anderson & Associates has created a new website that focuses on issues relating to combating child pornography.  With the evolution of inexpensive technology that has caused an explosion in the production and availability of child pornography, no child protection effort can be complete without considering the role that child pornography plays. 

Some of the blog postings include articles about the FBI’s efforts to detect and arrest sophisticated child …