News & Events

Oct 29, 2013: Archdiocese Cover Up Highlights Need for ImmediateLaw Enforcement Involvement In Sexual Abuse Cases

Doe 23 courageously filed suit today against the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, and Father Robert M. Thurner, who allegedly sexually abused Doe 23 in 1984-85 when she was a young girl and student at St. Joseph’s School in West St. Paul. Doe 23 likely would not have had to file this suit – would never have been molested by Thurner  – had the Archdiocese’s hierarchy fulfilled its legal and moral obligations and reported Thurner’s prior admitted sexual abuse of another minor to law enforcement in 1982.The Archdiocese’s cover up of its priests’ sexual abuse of minors and other relat…

Oct 08, 2013: Recent Developments Regarding Archdiocese of St. Paul – Minneapolis Cover up

The Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, amid growing concerns of internal handling of clergy sexual abuse cases, responded to allegations of child pornography involving Father Jonathan Shelley by debating what constitutes the definition of child pornography. Below you will find a list of documents that contain conversations and correspondence between top church officials including Archbishop John Nienstedt, former Vicar General Peter Laird and canon lawyer and former chancellor for canonical affairs, Jennifer Haselberger. Also included is the police investigation of Fr. Jonathan…

Sep 24, 2013: In Denying Role in Clergy Sex Abuse Cover-Up, Former Pope Benedict Continues to Prevent Healing

It appears that former Pope Benedict has come out of retirement – donned another hat, as it were – as a revisionist historian. In his first published comments since resigning as pope in February, Benedict has denied that he tried to cover up the sexual abuse of children by priests. The denial grabs headlines because it comes from Benedict, but it’s really just another instance of the church hierarchy clumsily and cynically attempting to protect itself while callously hurting survivors. Benedict’s denial is part of a letter he wrote to an Italian author who wrote a book about problems in …

Sep 23, 2013: Story of Archdiocese Of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ Wehmeyer Cover-up Shockingly Familiar

Today’s Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) story about the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis’ failure to protect its parishioners from one of its predator priests, Fr. Curtis Wehmeyer, needs to be read by everyone. The headline – “Archdiocese knew of priest’s sexual misbehavior, yet kept him in ministry” – itself tells the story. From there, the details of Archdiocesan self-preservation and negligence are infuriating. In 2012, Wehmeyer was convicted of criminal sexual conduct and possessing child pornography in connection with Wehmeyer’s sexual abuse of two boys, ages 12 and 14, in a camper …

Sep 11, 2013: Awareness of Modern Methods of Communication is Key to Child Protection

Last week a Benilde-St. Margaret’s High School teacher was fired for engaging in inappropriate communications with his students.  Although the details of the teacher’s firing are not entirely clear, the incident brings to light a topic of significant concern in the area of modern child protection –technology is changing the mode of communication and the boundaries between adults in positions of authority and mentorship, and the children they interact with on a daily basis. 

Aug 26, 2013: Serious Questions Remain Unanswered at Yeshiva University

When sexual abuse allegations surfaced at Yeshiva University High School in late 2012, the school hired a prominent law firm to independently investigate these serious allegations involving at least two staff members, Rabbi George Finkelstein and Rabbi Macy Gordon with the stated focus being to “perform a full and complete independent investigation of these reports and any other reports of sexual or physical abuse of University students.” Both Finkelstein and Gordon were at the school for a combined 64 years and no doubt came into contact with hundreds, if not thousands of young students.

Aug 13, 2013: Archbishop Myers’ Failure to Protect Children

As we stand beside one of former Priest Thomas Maloney’s courageous victims, Andrew Ward and his family today, and in light of Archbishop Myers’ botched handling of the Michael Fugee and Robert Chabak scandals, it is with concern for past and future victims of clergy sexual abuse that we question Archbishop Myers’ handling of child sexual abuse allegations.   While Father Maloney was employed by the Diocese of Peoria from the 1960s through 2000s, at least three separate allegations of sexual impropriety were made against him by victims or their families. These allegations along with …

Jul 25, 2013: Sheriff’s Deputy Charged with Sexual Abuse at Lutheran Island Camp

We are saddened and disturbed by the news today that a Mille Lacs County Sheriff’s deputy has been charged with sexually assaulting four boys during a church-affiliated fishing trip. The deputy, Aaron Joseph Heuer, 29, is accused of inappropriately touching four boys between the ages of 8 and 10, and has been charged with eight counts of criminal sexual conduct in Otter Tail County, Minn. At least some of the alleged crimes occurred in June while Heuer was volunteering as a fishing guide at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, Minn. This news unfortunately is a reminder that all organizations that…

Jul 10, 2013: The Courage To Help Protect Others and Hold the Church Accountable

The courage of survivors such as David Pususta always inspires and amazes us. David came forward today to not only reveal publicly for the first time that he is a child sexual abuse survivor, but he also discussed his abuse and identified his abuser, who was never publicly named previously. David also filed court documents in Ramsey County District Court seeking to force the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis to unseal and make public its secret list of 33 Archdiocesan priests credibly accused of child sex abuse…

Jul 08, 2013: Fast-tracked sainthood insulting to survivors

The Vatican has fast-tracked Pope John Paul II for sainthood, even though a significant portion of the clerical sex abuse scandal happened on his watch.  This is concerning, but not surprising, given the Church’s history of protecting priests instead of children and patting itself on the back while willfully failing to take meaningful action regarding abusive priests or abuse survivors. According to an Associated Press (AP) story, Pope Francis signed a decree on Friday declaring John Paul for sainthood, culminating a “fast-track” process that informally began at John Paul’s 2005 funeral ,…

Jul 02, 2013: The Ark of Understanding

Archbishop of Milwaukee, Jerome Listecki, is arguing the Hierarchy’s choices to protect priests first and children second should be viewed under the arc of understanding. “The arc of understanding sexual abuse of a minor progressed from being seen as a moral failing and sin that needed personal resolve and spiritual direction; to a psychological deficiency that required therapy and could be cured; to issues of addiction requiring more extensive therapy and restrictions on ministry; to recognition of the long-term effects of abuse and the need to hold the perpetrator accountable for this…


In 1993, Father James Porter pled guilty to sexually abusing 28 children in parishes in southeastern Massachusetts in the 1960’s.  Unfortunately, those heinous actions were the tip of the iceberg.  With the assistance of church leaders from the Diocese of Fall River, Massachusetts to the Diocese of Crookston to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, Fr. Porter abused children across the United States with impunity.  During the 1960’s and 1970’s, the operating protocol with respect to Fr. Porter, a known child molester, was: Protect Porter.  Fr. Porter’s 1973 letter to…

Jun 11, 2013: Yet Another School Fails to Protect a Child: Robbinsdale Cooper High Employee Charged with Sexually Abusing Minor Student

We are saddened and disheartened to hear news of yet another situation of a failure of a school to protect its children. The news today that Tajreed E. Rich, a hall monitor and coach at Robbinsdale Cooper High School, who had also worked as a volunteer cheerleading coach at North High School, was charged with third degree criminal sexual assault of a minor is alarming and tragically familiar.  School districts and their employees need to be better trained in child protection and prevention of abuse to ensure the safety of our kids at school. We urge Cooper High School, North High School…

Jun 11, 2013: Crisis for Accountability: Yet Another Priest Arrested for Child Sex Abuse

Koppala, Leo Charles.jpg

This week yet another Minnesota priest was arrested for sexually abusing a child.  Father Leo Charles Koppala, of Blue Earth, Minnesota, has been charged with the sexual abuse of an 11-year old girl.  Father Koppala is a priest at Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church.  His arrest is a stark reminder of the continued vulnerability of our youth to child predators, including clergy. American Catholic Bishops are fond of categorizing the sexual abuse of children by clergy as a historic problem…