News & Events

Mar 14, 2011: Lawyer states case for clergy sex abuse victims

mjs-anderson.jpgSt. Paul, Minn — . – Jeff Anderson has heard it all.
He’s been called a scourge. A parasite. A media-monger hellbent on bringing
down the Catholic Church.
But the Minnesota lawyer who’s made a career of suing the most powerful
religious institution in the world over its handling of clergy sex abuse cases
pays no mind.
“I don’t care what people think, and I don’t try to control it,” said
Anderson, the lead attorney in civil fraud cases pending against the Archdiocese
of Milwaukee who is now representing those victims in the archdiocese’s

Mar 10, 2011: Diocese Fraud Suit Moves Ahead

A fraud lawsuit against the Roman Catholic Diocese of La Crosse that claims child sexual abuse four decades ago moved forward today.La Crosse County Circuit Judge Scott Horne denied the diocese’s motion to dismiss the complaint, in which a Plover, Wis., woman contends diocese officials knew a priest had a history of molesting children before he abused her in 1971.

Mar 07, 2011: Philadelphia archdiocese to face new claims in child sex abuse allegations

New York (CNN) — Attorneys said they will announce a new lawsuit Monday against the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which has been the subject of a two-year grand jury investigation into claims officials ignored and covered up sex crimes against children.”The Lawsuit will allege that Archdiocese officials conspired to endanger the safety of the Plaintiff when they actively concealed their knowledge of (a) priest’s previous offenses, lied to parishioners, and created a sham sexual abuse victim assistance program for the Archdiocese,” according to a news release announcing the lawsuit. The lawsuit…

Mar 04, 2011: Sex Abuse Lawyers Plan Ad Campaign

Lawyers representing victims of clergy abuse in the Milwaukee Catholic
Archdiocese announced Thursday that they are launching a monthlong media
campaign to encourage others who have been sexually abused in the archdiocese to
come forward.
At a news conference at the Pfister Hotel, lawyer Jeff Anderson said that
because the archdiocese had filed for bankruptcy protection, there will be a
short time frame for survivors of abuse by priests to come forward and make
their claims.
Therefore, he said, he and other lawyers representing survivors are mounting
an unusual outreach…

Mar 03, 2011: Lawyer: Ex-Wis. archbishop’s letter ‘smoking gun’

MILWAUKEE — A 2003 letter from then-Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan shows he was more concerned about the church’s reputation than the actions of an abusive priest, an attorney for nearly two dozen alleged Wisconsin sex abuse victims claimed Tuesday. But the archdiocese that Dolan now heads said the letter does just the opposite and shows Dolan was deeply concerned and wanted the priest, Franklyn Becker, dismissed. St. Paul-Minn.-based attorney Jeff Anderson obtained the letter, which he released Tuesday, as part of cases he handled in California involving Becker. Anderson has filed 14…

Feb 28, 2011: A Defining Moment for Child Protection: Federal Judge Allows Alien Tort Case to Proceed

TheCA_central district court house.jpg U.S. District Court for the Central District of California issued an unprecedented opinion today allowing our client’s case using the Alien Tort Statute to go forward.  You can find the entire text of the opinion on our site.  In denying Defendant Cardinal Roger Mahony’s and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles’ motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction, the Court permitted Plaintiff’s…

Feb 28, 2011: Groundbreaking Federal Court Decision: Catholic Church Officials Subject to Alien Tort Statute

In a groundbreaking decision, a Federal judge in California today denied a motion by attorneys for the Catholic Church to dismiss a lawsuit based on a unique international law against two Cardinals and a priest for their roles in the sexual abuse of a Mexican man as a boy in 1997, saying the plaintiff has sufficiently plead rape and sexual abuse of children as “…cruel, inhuman, and degrading treatment” and crimes against humanity.

Feb 24, 2011: New Lawsuit Names Predator Priest Still In Ministry with the Salesians

Today, our firm and Anthony DeMarco, an attorney in Los Angeles, filed a suit on behalf of a courageous survivor who was abused as a young boy by a Salesian priest, Fr. Gerald Wertz, at St. John Bosco High School in Bellflower, California.  You can find a copy of the lawsuit here.  Importantly, Fr. Gerald “Jerry” Wertz is still considered to be in ministry, and is residing in the Salesian Provincial House in San Francisco, adjacent to a high school with over 1,000 students.

Feb 17, 2011: Jeff Anderson’s legal team has questions about Milwaukee Archdiocese finances

In a recent blog post Archbishop Dolan is incorrect in claiming that we accused him of secretly “hiding” the assets referred to in his blog.  The fact is, we simply stated that we had questions about certain financial moves made by the Archdiocese. Indeed, what he did wasn’t hidden.  In fact, he and his financial advisors brazenly “moved” the assets out of the control of the Archdiocese in broad daylight—after the Wisconsin Supreme Court allowed some victims of clergy sexual abuse to sue the Archdiocese.  We think we have grounds to be suspicious…