News & Events

Oct 02, 2018: California Bishops Sued for Covering Up Child Sex Abuse—Los Angeles Press Event Today

Jeff Anderson & Associates will announce the filing of a nuisance lawsuit against the California bishops
for covering up child sexual abuse including: the Archdiocese of Los
Angeles, Archdiocese of San Francisco; Diocese of Orange; Diocese of San
Bernardino; Diocese of San Diego; Diocese of Fresno; Diocese of
Sacramento; Diocese of Oakland; Diocese of San Jose; Diocese of
Monterey; Diocese of Santa Rosa; and the Archdiocese of Chicago where
the perpetrator worked before being sent to California

Sep 28, 2018: Jeff Anderson & Zero Abuse Project Stand in Support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and All Survivors

Attorneys, Advocates and Survivors to Stand and Voice Their Support for Sexual Abuse Survivors and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford Today at the First Annual Zero Abuse Project National Conference(St. Paul, MN) – At a press conference today in St. Paul, Minnesota, Attorney Jeff Anderson, Survivor Advocate and Zero Abuse Project Board Member Joelle Casteix, Advocate Beatriz Mendoza (hablamos Español) and Empower Survivors Founder Elizabeth Sullivan will: •    Stand in support of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and all survivors of sexual abuse who had the courage to share their secret; •&nbsp…

Aug 24, 2018: Doe 446 to Speak Publicly Today in Duluth for First Time, Press Event 11:00 AM

At a news conference today in Duluth, sexual abuse survivor Doe 446 and
his attorneys, Mike Finnegan, Mike Bryant and Josh Peck will speak publicly for the first time about the jury verdict returned last night in his favor; discuss the lawsuit filed by Doe 446 against Fr. William Graham in 2016
for child sexual abuse and Fr. Graham’s retaliatory lawsuit claiming
contract interference and intentional infliction of emotional distress and Call on the Diocese of Duluth and Bishop Paul Sirba to release Fr.
Graham’s file and the details surrounding the internal investigation,
which resulted in the Diocesan Review Board finding Doe 446’s abuse
claims credible

Aug 22, 2018: Attorney & Survivors Call for Statewide Grand Jury Investigation of Cover-up by Catholic Bishops in Minnesota

At a news conference today, sexual abuse survivors and attorney Jeff Anderson will urge the Minnesota attorney general and local prosecutors across Minnesota to launch a grand jury investigation into all Catholic dioceses. Discuss how the Minnesota Catholic Bishops have used bankruptcy to stop the unraveling of the cover-up of child sex abuse

Jul 11, 2018: Report on Child Sexual Abuse in Hawaii to be Released Today; Honolulu Press Event Today

New law allows more time for survivors to come forward, expose abusers, and stop the cover-up(Honolulu, HI) – On Wednesday, July 11 2018, Attorney Mark Gallagher, the law firm Jeff Anderson & Associates, and sexual abuse advocates and survivors will:•    Release a new report containing the identities, histories and background information on dozens of priests and clerics accused of child sexual abuse in the Diocese of Honolulu;•    Show how high ranking church officials knew that Bishop Joseph Ferrario had sexually molested children before he became a bishop…

May 31, 2018: Largest Settlement Ever Reached in a Catholic Bankruptcy Case—Press Event Today

Sexual Abuse Survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis Announce Joint Bankruptcy Plan WHAT: At a news conference today in St. Paul, sexual abuse survivors and attorneys Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan will discuss the consensual bankruptcy reorganization plan reached between sexual abuse survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis. WHEN:  Today, May 31, 2018 at 1:00 PM CT WHERE:  Jeff Anderson & Associates                366 Jackson Street, Suite 100   &…

May 31, 2018: Largest Settlement Ever Reached in a Catholic Bankruptcy Case—Press Event Today at 1:00 PM

Sexual Abuse Survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis Announce Joint Bankruptcy Plan WHAT: At a news conference today in St. Paul, sexual abuse survivors and attorneys Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan will discuss the consensual bankruptcy reorganization plan reached between sexual abuse survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis. WHEN:  Today, May 31, 2018 at 1:00 PM CT WHERE:  Jeff Anderson & Associates                366 Jackson Street, Suite 100   &…

May 31, 2018: Largest Settlement Ever Reached in a Catholic Bankruptcy Case—Press Event Today at 1:00 PM

Sexual Abuse Survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis Announce Joint Bankruptcy Plan WHAT: At a news conference today in St. Paul, sexual abuse survivors and attorneys Jeff Anderson and Mike Finnegan will discuss the consensual bankruptcy reorganization plan reached between sexual abuse survivors and the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis. WHEN:  Today, May 31, 2018 at 1:00 PM CT WHERE:  Jeff Anderson & Associates                366 Jackson Street, Suite 100   &…