Father Michael Bik, ordained May 21, 1993, was accused of “inappropriate sexual conduct” with two teenagers in the 1970s. Allegations…
In 1984, while serving as associate pastor in the Diocese of Crookston, Father Richard “Rick” Boyd was convicted of possessing…
Ordained: 1954 Assignments: 1954-1956: St. Mark’s, St. Paul, MN (STP) 1956-1964: Annunciation, Minneapolis, MN (STP) 1964-1968: St. Peter’s, Richfield, MN…
Brother Frost, a member of the Dominican Order, was accused of sexually abusing at least four boys. He worked as…
Brother Stephen P. Baker was a Third Order Regular Franciscan brother of the Province of the Immaculate Conception. Brother Baker…
Father Ambrose Filbin was ordained in 1939 and subsequently worked in parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Saint Paul…