Fr. Daniel Massie: Accused of Sexual Misconduct of a Minor

Fr. Daniel Massie


  • 1980 – 1986: St. Mary Parish, Menomonee Falls
  • 1986 – 1992: St. Rita Parish, West Allis
  • 1992 – 1995: Blessed Trinity Parish, Milwaukee
  • 1995 – 1998: St. Aloysius Parish, West Allis
  • 1998 – 2002: Beaver Dam Catholic Parishes, Beaver Dam

Daniel Massie Documents  | Daniel Massie Timeline

In 1988, a report was made to the archdiocese regarding actions of Massie from 1983 when he was at St. Mary Parish, Menomonee Falls. He was accused of touching the breasts of two individuals aged 9 and 12 at the time and binding the hands and feet of one with tape. Massie admitted that there had been engagement in the form of play but denied that there was any sexual component to it.

Massie was directed to seek counseling. The matter was turned over to the Germantown Police Department who conducted an investigation that resulted in a deferred prosecution agreement. The terms of the agreements stated that Massie was to engage in counseling, not have unsupervised contact with minors, and provide periodic reports to the prosecutor. The pastor of the parish where Massie was assigned was informed of the restrictions.

In January, 1992, one of the two original reporters reached a settlement agreement for $20,000 with the majority paid by Massie.

In May, 1992, Massie sought inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse.

In June 1992, a mother of one of the original reporters wrote to Archbishop Weakland for financial assistance for counseling for her daughter because she no longer had insurance coverage,

In 1995, Massie was seeking an assignment in which he would not have to be supervised since he remained in counseling and the five years of the deferred prosecution agreement had been concluded. Massie was told he needed a full psychological profile to be done before any such assignment could be considered. He had continued counseling and that psychologist would do the testing. Massie was content to remain in a supervised ministry setting.

In 2002, Massie’s files were reviewed by the Eisenberg Commission. With the issuance of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Youth in June, 2002, it was determined that Massie’s case would fall within its provisions. He was removed from ministry in 2002 and asked to submit his resignation from office. He refused to resign so a canonical removal process was undertaken in December, 2002. A decree of removal was issued in March, 2003.

In April, 2003, Massie initially indicated he would take recourse against the issuance of the decree but in June, 2003, he agreed to seek voluntary laicization.

In September, 2003, Massie’s petition for voluntary laicization and accompanying documents were submitted to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

In August, 2004, Massie married in the Episcopal Church.

On April 3, 2009, Massie’s petition was given an affirmative response and he was returned to the lay state. He was provided a standard severance package for assistance in transition.

Pastoral Assignment Gathered From The Archdiocese of Milwaukee