Fr. William E. Finger: Diocesan Clergy Accused of Sexual Misconduct With a Minor

Fr. William E. Finger

Ordained: 1962

  • 1963-1965: St. Mary Queen of Heaven, Brooklyn, NY (BRK)
  • 1966: St. Catherine of Sienna, Manhattan, NY (NY)
  • 1966-1979: St. Albans, Queens, NY (BRK)
  • 1980-1993: St. Mary Star of the Sea, Far Rockaway, NY (BRK)
  • 1994-1996: Released from Diocesan Assignment (BRK)
  • 1997-2019: Unknown

Fr. William Finger was ordained in the Diocese of Brooklyn. It is reported that Fr. Finger worked as the Center Chaplain at Kings County Hospital in Brooklyn, New York and at Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens, New York. Fr. Finger was named on the Diocese of Brooklyn’s 2019 “List of Diocesan Clergy for Whom the Diocese Received Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor,” in the subsection “Clergy Members of the Diocese of Brooklyn with Credible Allegations: Credibly Deemed by Diocesan Review Board Determination and/or Admission on Behalf of the Cleric.” Fr. Finger was reportedly laicized in 2002. Fr. Finger’s current whereabouts and whether he has access to children are unknown.