Dedicated Clergy Abuse Lawyers Fighting for Survivors of Clergy Sexual Abuse in Michigan
If you are a survivor of child sexual abuse by a priest, you are not alone. Our attorneys & advocates are here to help you.
For more than 40 years, Jeff Anderson & Associates has helped thousands of clergy sexual abuse survivors across the country find a path to justice and healing. We are smart, tough, and relentless, but the virtue that ultimately sets us apart is our compassion. We are people who feel deeply and work tirelessly in response to an unjust world. We have a reputation for being the best at what we do, and that begins and ends with our ability to support, protect and guide survivors along their journey toward justice and healing.
Clergy Sexual Abuse Prevention in the Michigan Dioceses
In October of 2018, partnered with the Michigan State Police, the Michigan Attorney General launched a statewide investigation into clergy sexual abuse and executed search warrants in Michigan’s seven dioceses (Archdiocese of Detroit, Diocese of Gaylord, Diocese of Grand Rapids, Diocese of Kalamazoo, Diocese of Lansing, Diocese of Marquette, and the Diocese of Saginaw). This investigation aimed to determine if the sexual abuse of minors and adults was being reported as required by law and to investigate potential criminal charges against those responsible for the abuse or for covering up sexual abuse. The Attorney General’s office seized 220 boxes of paper documents and over 3.5 million digital documents detailing sexual misconduct in the Catholic diocese across Michigan.
In 2022, the Michigan Attorney General released a report detailing the 2018 search warrant findings in the Diocese of Marquette. The report revealed 44 priests (38 employed or incardinated by the Diocese of Marquette) were accused of sexual misconduct against children or adults since January 1, 1950.
In 2024, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel released a report concerning allegations of abuse that took place in the Diocese of Gaylord. The list of priests for which there were allegations of sexual misconduct against either children or adults since 1971, when the Diocese of Gaylord was established, is derived from information gleaned from a search warrant that was executed against the Diocese of Gaylord on October 3, 2018, and from the tip line operated by the Department of Attorney General since 2018. There are 28 entries on this list, which includes 26 priests and 2 deacons; 18 were ordained or incardinated by the Diocese of Gaylord.
Child Abuse Prevention Laws for Survivors in Michigan
In June of 2023, a bill was introduced in Michigan to lengthen the statute of limitations or deadline for survivors of child sexual abuse to bring lawsuits. The House or the Senate has not passed this bill. In addition, Michigan lawmakers are looking to extend the maximum age a survivor can file a sexual abuse claim from 28 to 52.
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has been outspoken and determined to complete a full investigation into child sexual abuse in the catholic dioceses in Michigan. Attorney General Nessel and her office are currently in the process of completing this independent investigation in hopes it will eventually provide transparency and a path forward for survivors of clergy abuse in Michigan to take legal action.
If you know anything about Catholic church clergy abuse in Michigan, contact the attorney general’s office anonymously.
Every Survivor’s Journey Towards Healing is Different. Hear Their Stories.
We have the honor of witnessing the courage of the survivors we work with, every day. Sharing these inspiring videos is another way that we can remind everyone who has been victimized by sexual abuse that they are not alone. See our Survivor Testimonials page to hear from more survivors.
We Want to Help. Your Privacy Will be Protected
Every survivor of clergy sexual abuse should be allowed to come forward when he or she is ready. If you decide to contact us and share your story, we want you to know that your privacy will be respected and protected. We have worked with clergy sexual abuse victims and survivors for over 40 years and understand how difficult it is to take this step. Your identity will remain confidential throughout the entire process. Our goal is to empower survivors to seek justice on their terms in a safe and supportive environment.