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$87.5 Million Settlement Reached with Diocese of Camden

Deal Allows Survivors to Pursue Insurance Coverage and Provides a Pathway to Enhanced Child Protection in the Diocese

(Camden, NJ) – Today, a partial settlement is being announced with the Diocese of Camden and survivors of sexual abuse who courageously filed lawsuits under the New Jersey Victims’ Rights Bill. In addition to the $87.5 million provided by the diocese, survivors and their attorneys still have the opportunity to take legal action against insurance companies that represent the diocese. Thus far, the insurance companies have played hardball and refused to meaningfully honor their insurance obligations. Furthermore, the settlement will include several child protection measures that are still being finalized. This will require the diocese to publicly disclose the history of abuse in the diocese.

“This day, this settlement with the Bishop of Camden is a powerful advance in accountability. The credit goes to the survivors for standing up for themselves and the truth. It is the survivors who have demanded responsibility and created a united effort against the insurance companies for denying survivors the true measure of justice,” said attorney Jeff Anderson. “This partial settlement propels the survivors to pursue the diabolical insurance companies and expose their efforts to evade responsibility. It is the courage and strength of the survivors united and standing together that makes this moment triumphant and pivotal.”

The Diocese of Camden decided to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on October 1, 2020, under the mounting pressure of child sexual abuse lawsuits filed under the New Jersey Victims’ Rights Bill. Partnered with the law office of Jeff Anderson & Associates represents 74 out of the 300+ survivors who filed lawsuits against the Diocese of Camden.