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Settlements & Compensation

Exposing Perpetrators, Holding Institutions Accountable, & Making the World Safer for Children

In most cases, childhood sexual abuse goes unreported or victims break their silence decades after the abuse occurs. While there are many legal barriers to prosecuting those responsible for the abuse, we have worked diligently to help thousands of survivors overcome these barriers for 37 years. Each survivor has individual goals they want to accomplish by bringing a legal claim for the abuse they suffered, and we work tirelessly to support each survivor in accomplishing these goals to reclaim their power and find healing.

We are here to help you find justice and healing. Contact us confidentially today.

Financial Compensation Through Civil Litigation

Jeff Anderson & Associates pioneered the use of civil litigation to seek justice for survivors of child sexual abuse. Over the past four decades we have helped thousands of child sexual abuse survivors navigate a variety of avenues to pursue claims for financial compensation for the harm done to them as children and its lasting effects into adulthood. This includes filing civil lawsuits against institutions responsible for the abuser and covering up the abuse, submitting an application to Independent Compensation Programs, as well filing claims in bankruptcy court after an institution files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy reorganization.

Unearthing Secret Files, Perpetrator Identities & Making the World Safer for Children Through Discovery

Through the litigation process we work with survivors to force institutions to release documents, perpetrator identities, and critical information kept secret by these institutions. This includes personnel files and assignment histories of clergy, Perversion Files of Boy Scouts leaders and volunteers, internal communications regarding sexual abuse at camps and schools, and more. When this information is brought to light and made public children, communities, and the world are safer.

Ultimately, this all begins with the individual survivor’s story, which shines the light of truth on harm inflicted in the past, the pain and shame that followed, and the present peril.

CONTACT US CONFIDENTIALLY. If you were sexually abused by a priest, Boy Scout Leader, teacher or coach, we want to help you. Call 1-800-ITS-TIME today.

You Are Not Alone. We Want to Help.

It’s time for justice. It’s time to bring the truth out into the light. It’s time for accountability and healing. Before making a decision concerning such serious and sensitive matters, we encourage all survivors of child sexual abuse to consult with legal counsel before proceeding with a claim.