Cardinal Theodore McCarrick: Allegations of Sexual Abuse of a Minor Have Been Admitted, Established or Determined to Be Credible

Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

Accused Cardinal Theodore McCarrick

Ordained, 1958

Assignments Within the Archdiocese/Diocese(s) in New Jersey: Metuchen, Newark


  • 1959-1966: Priest of the Archdiocese of New York Serving Outside the Diocese in Special Assignments, Catholic University, Washington, D.C. (WDC)
  • 1967-1969: Priest of the Archdiocese of New York Serving Outside the Diocese in Special Assignments, Catholic University of Puerto Rico, Ponce (PCE)
  • 1970-1971: Blessed Sacrament, New York, NY (NY)
  • 1972-1977: Cathedral of St. Patrick, New York, NY (NY)
  • 1978-1980: St. Francis De Sales, New York, NY (NY)
  • 1978-1981: Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, NY (NY)
  • 1981: The New York Foundling Hospital, New York, NY (NY)
  • 1982-1986: Bishop of Metuchen, NJ (MET)
  • 1987-2000: Archbishop of Newark, NJ (NEW)
  • 1989-2000: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Newark, NJ (NEW)
  • 2001-2006: Cardinal Archbishop of Washington, DC (WDC)
  • 2006-2017: Retired, Washington, D.C. (WDC); United States of Conference of Catholic Bishops
  • 2018-2019: Unknown

Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of New York in 1959. Prior to his elevation to Bishop of Metuchen, McCarrick worked in various parishes within the Archdiocese of New York and spent two years on “special assignment” at Catholic University in Puerto Rico.

In 1978, Cardinal McCarrick was elevated to Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York where he worked until 1981 when he was appointed as the founding bishop of the Diocese of Metuchen. In 1986, McCarrick was appointed Archbishop of Newark. In late 2000, Pope John Paul II appointed McCarrick Archbishop of Washington and he was elevated to Cardinal in 2001.

Pope Francis removed Cardinal McCarrick from ministry in June 2018 after allegations of sexual abuse surfaced against McCarrick. He was allowed to resign from his position in July 2018 and was suspended from public ministry. In February 2019, Cardinal McCarrick was removed from the clerical state at the conclusion of an internal Church adjudication process conducted by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

Cardinal McCarrick is the highest ranking Catholic official to be removed from the priesthood because of allegations of child sexual abuse. To-date, at least three survivors of abuse have come forward alleging sexual abuse by McCarrick.

The Anderson Report: Sexual Abuse in the Archdiocese and Dioceses of New Jersey

This report contains the names of diocesan priests, religious order priests, deacons, nuns, and religious brothers and sisters associated with Catholic Dioceses in the State of New Jersey, including those of whom were assigned within, working in, or living within the Archdiocese and Dioceses in New Jersey who have been accused of sexual misconduct. The information in this Anderson Report is derived from publicly available sources. Download the report

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