Br. Dominic W. Stone, SS.CC: Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Br. Dominic W. Stone, SS.CC


  • 1940: Professes vows, Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
  • 1968: Provincial House, Honolulu, HI
  • 1985-2006: St. Patrick’s Monastery, Honolulu, HI
  • 2006: Deceased

Notes: Brother Dominic W. Stone was born in 1917 in Honolulu and attended St. Louis School. During formation he was trained in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Br. Stone professed final vows in 1943. Thereafter, he was returned to work in the Diocese of Honolulu. Br. Stone worked at various facilities in the Diocese of Honolulu, but the majority of his career was spent at St. Patrick’s school and parish. He is believed to have abused at least five children at St. Patrick’s. By 1950, because of his pattern of behavior, Sacred Hearts punished him with a formal “canonical admonition.” Br. Stone was then placed in charge of formation of the altar boys at St. Patrick’s. In 2016, a sexual abuse survivor filed a civil lawsuit in Hawaii alleging abuse by Br. Sone at St. Patrick’s in Kaimuki in approximately 1977. At least five lawsuits have been brought by survivors of Br. Stone’s abuse.