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Settlement in excess of $16.5 Million Reached in Irish Christian Brothers Sexual Abuse Bankruptcy

Settlement in excess of $16.5 Million Reached in Irish Christian Brothers Sexual Abuse Bankruptcy

Offenders operated schools in 17 U.S. States and Canada

(White Plains, NY) The Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors for The Christian Brothers Institute and The Christian Brothers of Ireland, Inc. have approved the terms and conditions of a consensual reorganization plan in the Chapter 11 cases of The Christian Brothers Institute and The Christian Brothers of Ireland, Inc.

Over 400 survivors of sexual abuse are included in the group of unsecured creditors that will share in a financial settlement in excess of $16.5 million—an amount that will be paid by the international Catholic religious order and one of its insurance carriers.

Attorney Jeff Anderson of the St. Paul, Minnesota-based law office of Jeff Anderson & Associates who represented 92 of the sexual abuse survivors who filed claims in the bankruptcy said the settlement will still allow sexual abuse survivors to continue lawsuits involving other parties, including schools and dioceses who share responsibility for decades of abuse staffed by members of the order including schools in: CA, HI, IL, MI, NJ, NY, and WA.”

“What this settlement demonstrates, Anderson added, “is how courageous survivors are able to effectively seek justice and accountability from even the largest international religious institutions who endanger children.  The clear message being that no institution should ever be allowed to be a safe haven for adults who hurt children.”

A detailed plan is anticipated to be filed in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Eastern District of New York within the next three weeks and provides concrete measures for past accountability and to safeguard children from future abuse.

Jeff Anderson is an internationally known St. Paul, Minnesota-based trial lawyer widely recognized as a pioneer in sexual abuse litigation and has earned a reputation as a tireless champion of civil rights for children and the under-privileged. One of the first trial lawyers in America to publicly and aggressively initiate suits against religious organizations and hold them responsible by utilizing the American civil justice system, Anderson has represented thousands of survivors of sexual abuse by authority figures and clergy.

Contact Michael Reck: Office/646-649-4960        Mobile/714-742-6593
Contact Jeff Anderson: Office/651-227-9990       Mobile/612-817-8665
For a complete list of schools associated with the Irish Christian Brothers, please visit: