Msgr. Brian (Bryan) F.X. (F.) Callahan: Diocesan Clergy Accused of Sexual Misconduct With a Minor

Msgr. Brian (Bryan) F.X. (F.) Callahan

Ordained: 1965
  • 1966-1986: St. Michael Archangel and St. Edward, Brooklyn, NY (BRK)
  • 1976-1980: St. Boniface’s, Brooklyn, NY (BRK)
  • 1981: St. Catherine of Genoa, Brooklyn, NY (BRK)
  • 1987-2003: St. Thomas Aquinas, Brooklyn, NY (BRK)
  • 2003: Died

Msgr. Brian Callahan was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Brooklyn. In 1996, Msgr. Callahan was one of three priests reported to the Diocese of Brooklyn by three nuns for allegedly sexually abusing minor boys in the mid-1970s. Msgr. Callahan was named on the Diocese of Brooklyn’s 2019 “List of Diocesan Clergy for Whom the Diocese Received Allegations of Sexual Misconduct with a Minor,” in the section “Clergy Members of the Diocese of Brooklyn with Credible Allegations: Credibility Deemed by Diocesan Review Board Determination and/or Admission on Behalf of the Cleric.”