Richard Francis Skluzacek : Substantiated Claims of Sexual Abuse of a Minor

Richard Francis Skluzacek

Father Richard Francis Skluzacek, DOB 08/10/32, was ordained in 1957. He served at several parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis (“Archdiocese”) between 1957 and 1998, before retiring. The Archdiocese has included Father Skluzacek on its official list of clergy members who have had credible claims against them of sexually abusing a minor in the Archdiocese . According to the Archdiocese, Father Skluzacek was permanently removed from ministry in 2005. Father Skluzacek died in 2012.

Father Skluzacek served at the following Archdiocese locations:

  • 1957-1966: St. Stanislaus, St. Paul, MN
  • 1966-1967: St. Stephen, Anoka, MN
  • 1967-1968: Most Holy Redeemer, Mongtomery, MN
  • 1968-1973: Most Holy Trinity, Veseli, MN
  • 1970-1974: St. Nicholas, New Market, MN
  • 1974: Most Holy Trinity, Veseli, MN
  • 1974-1978: Corpus Christi, Roseville, MN
  • 1978-1990: St. Joseph, Hopkins, MN
  • 1990-1998: Veterans Medical Center, Minneapolis, MN
  • 2012: Died